Did you know, that at any given moment, you are no more than three feet away from a spider?
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No, I didn't, that's quite interesting actually! Well, I learnt something new today then! Thanks! :)

on April 05, 2013
on April 05, 2013
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O.o..... :(( i hope i dont squish one!!! if you kill a spider after all the help it gives you will recieve 3 weeks of bad luck... or something like that may be longer!!!
on November 12, 2013
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This makes me wanna jump up on top of a chair and scream. (I am the one who has arachnaphobia)
on November 10, 2013
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What about in space? if you are an astronaut spiders cant live in space dude
on October 09, 2013
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Did you know, at any given moment, you are less then ten feet away from a rat?

Yes actually, I did know that, and it made me think of it when I read the spider fact!
on April 05, 2013
on April 05, 2013