Do I have ADHD or ADD? I can't sit still for long periods of time and sometimes (mostly in math class) I zone out and miss the lesson i'm learning.I ALWAYS leave math and writing to the last minute unless i'm typing and the only time I can sit still is if i'm chained to the chair.Do I have ADHD or ADD?
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You obviously have ADHD. I've heard that there are special medications that can slowly get rid of ADHD. If you take them in the right schedule, I've heard that you'll be able to focus more and work normally just like the rest. The medication relieves the symptoms for a short while. I can't remember if it's going to come back after you listen to the doctor's prescription. Don't worry! You'll grow out of it and have control over ADHD someday.
on May 31, 2014
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hey you sound EXACLTY LIKE ME!!! :D!! I have ADHD. I leave math to the last second for 1) I hate math and 2) i'm not good at it. I wouldn't ask a bunch of kids these questions though. you should ask your parents for help :) i'm sure they will help you.
on July 30, 2013
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my brother,dad, and sister all have ADHD. You could just be a kid. Talk to your doctor/ parents.
on June 12, 2013
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder = ADHD
attention deficit disorder = ADD
You should research both and see which you think fits you better :)
attention deficit disorder = ADD
You should research both and see which you think fits you better :)
on April 19, 2013
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my little sis might have add but we dont know but i do know enough that you most likely have add sorry :(
on April 10, 2013
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You might. Just ask your doctor next time you see them and ask if they can run a test. My cousin has ADD and he is SUPER hyper all the time. But, he takes his medal and he's okay.
on April 09, 2013