Is there any easy way to learn how to play the guitar? Hey guys. Our Leavers Concert for leaving school is coming up, and me and my friend Nicole have been chosen to do the art. But you're also allowed to do performing etc on the night. I'd like to learn to play the guitar to play a song, any easy way? I know, there's no easy way of doing that, but I'd like to learn an easy way of LEARNING the chords. Understand? Sorry x D But please only answer if you have an idea, thanks!
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Look for experts or friends that know so much about guitars!!! It didn't help, didn't it?

I think I may know a few experts, so thanks xD
on April 14, 2013

yeah cool
on April 14, 2013
on April 13, 2013
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YouTube is a good place to start. But you can buy cheap but helpful books. My guitar starter book came with a cd and everything and it costed like 9 dollars.
on April 13, 2013
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There's really no way, but... Here this helps me, the guy is awesome. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XLtdR2PJqPo
It helps if you tell us what kind of guitar. I play acoustic, if you're trying for rock get electric. That need a different video because there are more strings. If you need any more help, try books or youtube. I look forward to pics of the concert.
It helps if you tell us what kind of guitar. I play acoustic, if you're trying for rock get electric. That need a different video because there are more strings. If you need any more help, try books or youtube. I look forward to pics of the concert.

on April 13, 2013

Thanks, I just love country music, and have been playing guitar for three years. I love to help with guitars. :)
on April 13, 2013
on April 13, 2013
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YouTube is the answer... All that I'm gonna say. LOL hope this was helpful.
on April 13, 2013
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Learn the strings first like an alphabet and how to read music. That really e most you need to get started. Get a H.O.T.T first year fear book. That's what my teacher used and it comes with a C.D. to help you.
on April 25, 2013
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Look, I play guitar, and the truth is there's no easy way. Sorry. It took me about 3 months to play a song, it's a lot of hard work but its fun and great, so it's worth it.
on April 15, 2013