Should adults and juveniles be given the same punishments?
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on November 02, 2017
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I'm not sure. See, the thing is that the adolescent brain is different from an adult brain and, long story short, teens essentially make decisions with the same part of their brain that controls emotions, whereas adults use separate parts of their brains for each of those tasks. Therefore, teens literally cannot make decisions as well outside of the realm of emotion, and their actions aren't as rational. Given this, I think that there should be different punishments - after all, See More the teen brain is different and has more difficulty making good decisions. Not making excuses for any adolescent who has committed a violent crime, but the facts are still there. But going by that logic, a mentally unstable psychopath or sociopath (I don't know much about the science of these two disorders, so correct me if I'm wrong) probably should also be held to a lower standard of behavior than a healthy adult.
on November 07, 2016
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I suppose, depending on the crime.
If its a murderer, or rape, yes of course.
Otherwise, no.
If its a murderer, or rape, yes of course.
Otherwise, no.
on October 20, 2016