An awkward moment, again. Have u guys ever had any awkward moments? Want to say something? Well… do it on the comments section. (Sry, got bored)
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Yah I hit on the guy that sits next to me in history and then I found out he has a gf. Now it's awkward sitting next to him.

Same here, although I don't think my old crush didn't have a gf. We were friends, and we don't talk when we are alone. While waiting for the bus, we just stand or sit there in silence. I felt really awkward and wished I can talk to him normally. Now he's in a different high school. I also have a elementary best friend who was a boy and we got along really well. See More Well, until he went to a different middle school. Deja Vu, am I right? ??:(
on November 12, 2016
on November 12, 2016