shygirl23's Questions
shygirl23 asked 53 questions

How do you stop loving someone? Well, I'm back, and somewhat doing better than before. ...
Birthday Twins?! Type in your birthday and look for people who has the same bday as you...
Hanahaki Disease?... Have you ever heard of the Hanahaki disease? It is a fictional dis...

Chance at Yugioh?!? Have you tried to play Yugioh? Would you like to try the game, if y...

What is LIFE? (4) What is your definition of life guys? Tell me please, in the comments.
Change Yourself? If you could change one thing about yourself ( and cannot change it ev...
What weapon should I get if I could get it? Should I ask a weapon for Christmas? If so,...
What is your idea or thoughts on rejection? Because I know how it feels to be... Um... ...

Too many personalities! Do you act the way you actually feel, even if it's really bad? ...

Don't know what u feeling, bro? Can people like/love another person without them even k...

Do opposites really attract? You think people that are almost or totally opposite are m...

What level of shyness do you guys have? What level of shyness do u guys have? I'm way b...

Is there any sad songs that just makes you cry? Is there any sad songs that just makes ...

Do u think that old songs from your childhood are better than the ones we have today, o...
Top songs on ur list? Name ur top 5 songs you love, 1 being the one u ? the most. Now, go!

Do you have ideas for "propaganda" of chorus? This is for homework, and I need help. I ...

Favorite Old show characters?! Remember the old says where you used to watch Disney and...

Would you do it? If you someone looking sad and just sitting there, would you go talk t...
I have no idea what to do? I had a dream on sunday night, and kinda freaked me out. So ...