shygirl23's Starred Questions shygirl23 has 24 starred questions Think of one word that sums up your whole personality. What are your feelings about Valentines day? Do you guys like the holiday or not. What do you hope to be remembered for? What is your favorite sport of all time? Whats the scariest nightmare you've ever had? What was the best thing that has ever happen to you? What keeps you up at night? What is the most romantic date idea you can think of? It doesn't have to be something t... Favorite band/singer? What is your favorite band or singer? Just curious... Anyone feel more wolf then human? Or animal if you do please join me... Anything you wish people knew? Can you please recommend good music to me? I'm getting tired of listening to the same m... what type of girl are you attracted to? (guys, lesbians, and bi or whatever) ok so i ha... Do You Agree or Disagree to This Sentence? You're either born smart or born stupid; the... Who is your favorite youtuber? (6) These are the choices, and sorry if your favorite is... What would your reaction be if your crush secretky always loved you? What is the worst thing a bully has ever done to you? Tell me a time where a bully went... What's your best non-swear insults? Post as many as you want! I just need a few insults... how old wr u wen u had yr 1 boyfriend?? i was 10 What is you.r favorite band? 1 2 »