what's your opinion on fnaf getting a movie ?
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I don't know about it.. I feel as though there are too many plot holes for it to be made into a movie. Fans wouldn't be as entertained as you think, as the storyline would have to be altered to become a movie.
on November 12, 2016
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FNAF I like it but my flippen parents aren't gonna let me see it... but my friends are still happy about it.
on December 05, 2016
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It's okay when I first heard the news I jumped out my seat and jumped around . But now I don't care if it does or not
on November 12, 2016
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I love the game but it becoming a movie I don't see that happening

thare's a movie planned to come out in 2017 look it up :)
on November 12, 2016
on November 12, 2016
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on November 12, 2016