Want a drawing of a person? If you want I can try to draw a person for you just tell me how he/she looks like I'll tell you when it's ready or if I can draw it or not! :)
Answers (14)
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Boy:long black hair,green and black outfit,green eyes(IT'S FRICKING LOKI,THOR FROM THE AVENGERS BROTHER.)
on April 16, 2020
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Girl: long straight pink hair, anime green eyes, smiling, pale blue dress, white stockings, and pink flat shoes.
on March 21, 2015
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yes please!
long blond hair, blue eyes (im pretty) lol I am in love with myself a little:D
long blond hair, blue eyes (im pretty) lol I am in love with myself a little:D
on September 07, 2013
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Blonde hair that comes to shoulders. Layers, blue/ green eyes freckles too (
girl btw)
girl btw)
on September 07, 2013
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And one for Moonlight pls, she has long straight brown hair and black eyes!

Ooh sorry made mistake, I was thinking of someone else, she has black, long and a bit curly hair and brown eyes, thank u!
on September 07, 2013
on September 07, 2013
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Can u draw Percy Jackson? He has sea green eyes, messy black hair, and a tan:)
on September 08, 2013
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Draw the Doctor he has brown spiky hair and brown eyes- he wears a white shirt and a red tie with a blue waistcoat over it and a brown suit over that. He wears brown trousers and he has white sneakers.
on September 07, 2013
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Me! I have short, curly and brown hair. Brown eyes, I'm cheeky and I'm not too small for my age.

Huhuh, I believe you so much (I'm being sarcastic) you said you were a girl so yeah...
on September 07, 2013

Haha, at first Moonlight thought you were a boy cause of your profile pic but now you're Inesidora so..
on September 07, 2013
on September 07, 2013