Friendship Trouble- help? So, me and my best friend have been BFFs since the third grade. It's been 6 years of great friendship, and I love her as if she was my sister. But lately, she's been really distant. She's always, I mean ALWAYS, in her iPhone. Even at lunch when I'm Trying to talk to her. She also hasn't invited me over in weeks. But whenever we do get together, even at the movie theater, she's on her phone. And it seems like I'm her "on call" friend, whenever she needs something (like homework) she calls me and begs me for the answer. Normally, I would gladly help her out, but she doesn't even try before asking me to help her. I just don't know what to do. We've been together through thick and thin, and sure we've had our rough patches, but we've made it so far. I don't want to say goodbye, but I can't keep being her servant, or keep being treated like I don't exist. So...what do I do?
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try to get her away from the iphone cuz apparently she's addicted to it so and try and talk 2 her and get her off that god damn iphone i hope this helps!
on July 14, 2014
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It seems to me as if she is addicted to her IPhone. What I would do is either talk to her about when she doesn't have her phone with her. Or talkto the parents you know what I mean that's what I do when my friends invite me over and they are always on their phone or tablet or something like that
on April 25, 2014
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Jest sit down and talk to her. It seems like yall really do need to talk to each other you tell her you really really need to talk to her and let her know how your feeling. Me and My friend have been friends since we met in 5th grade and anit had not 1 fight or havent said 1 bad word to 1 other so jest talk to her tell her how you been feeling and that you feel like yall are falling apart.
on May 19, 2014
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Hm. I think you should stay friends, but observe her behavior. Ask her who she is talking to, and if she'd like to come over. See in school if when she's not on her phone, watch who she interacts with and see if they are mean, touchy, or irritable. Also, pry her off her phone sometimes by taking her to the movies, or chatting during lunch, and if she's on her phone, get up and walk away. Note how long it takes for her to now you're gone, and then make your decision about staying See More friends or not. I hope this helped!:) and good luck! :D
on September 10, 2013
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Friendship problems hurt, right? Yeah I know. Maybe, I know it might be hard, but slowly move away from her. If she wants you, she'll say so. If not, well, I would approach her and say something like "i feel like you are on your phone too much". If you do both if those and still have no luck, ask me again. If you ever need helP, I'm here!!

Yeah maybe. I just feel like she's missing out on so many experiences by having her face in a screen.
on September 10, 2013

But maybe if you talk to her first about the phone and the cheating, she'll understand? :(
on September 10, 2013
on September 10, 2013