What do I do? Ok so I'm in high school so I have to take the bus. But when I'm on the bus everyone ignores me and once somebody nicknamed me as "The Lonely Girl" I sit next to my friends but they normally just say hi and then ignore me for the entire drive. I don't like how my friends don't talk to me when I'm on the bus and instead talk to people behind them. I have one friend who ignores me and sells gum to kids on the bus instead. So basically I feel lonely and invisible on my bus because nobody talks to me. Once nobody wanted to sit by me and in the end this boy I knew did but only because there was nowhere else to sit. So how do I get my friends to notice me? Wow this was long.
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Just simply ignore them back, I mean there are many other people you can be friends with. Those people don't sound like there your real friends either. They really just say hi to you? I mean strangers on the street will say hi to you then you ignore you. Find other friends. Those people don't sound like friends to me.

They still talk to me in school and stuff. I've been best friends with them for about 6 years now and we're still friends.
on October 22, 2013
on October 22, 2013
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Try to start a conversation on the bus with your friends. If that doesn't work, just listen to your iPod or read a book. Maybe they'll be offended that your not trying to talk to them, and end up talking to you. I ride the bus as well, and everyone has to sit 3 to a seat, so consider yourself lucky that you have a seat to yourself. In the eighth grade, I got a seat to myself, and it was amazing. I was the loner and didnt care:D

on September 15, 2013
on September 15, 2013
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Maybe you can be honest with your friends and say that you want to talk to them more and that you don't like how they are ignoring you. You could also try to make some friends at school or out side of school. It doesn't matter what other people think of you it just matters what you think of yourself. If you are confident in yourself then everything will work out. Don't be like the people who ignore you. Be nice even when they aren't maybe someday or someday soon someone will really See More want to be your friend because you are generous and kind. But 3rd option, If you care what your "friends" think then ask them to stop. If they are really your friends they will listen to you and help you through this and you won't be lonely anymore. Those are my 3 options :) I hope it helped and I hope you resolve this conflict:)
on December 13, 2016
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Make some better friends!! At this point it looks like you're "friends" aren't treating you very well.
on July 01, 2014
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Tell them how you feel, this may sound stupid and corny but it is the right thing to do. They might not know what you're going through or might not notice they hurt your feelings. If they keep doing it after that, they're not real friends.
on November 29, 2013
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Start a conversation with them. They will be happy to here you talking to them.
on January 05, 2020
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on October 30, 2014
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Poo them. I bet you are one beautiful gal or somethin. I have the same problem only i like it that way so i'm not really sure what to tell you. Maybe you should talk to your friends and ask them questions about them? idk

Proof of my ugliness: http://www.qfeast.com/thatsssanicewebsssiteyouhavethere/profile/photo/bea0d81eefd2425d8150320ba0d4d2 (Sorry it's upside down)
on July 21, 2015
on December 17, 2013
on December 11, 2013
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Well When You Are At School With Your Friends Tell Them How You Fell Explain To Them You Would Like It If They Talked To You Maybe They Didn't Know You Felt That Way
(if you need help on any thing else I am all ways here to help)
(if you need help on any thing else I am all ways here to help)
on September 15, 2013