Guys act like I'm one of them I have a lot of things that I need advice with, so I'll number them. 1. All my best friends are guys. One of them likes me, and I like him, but I think we're too much like best friends to go out with each other. 2. My best friend ever moved away to Scotland, and I really miss him. We've emailed and texted, but it's not the same. 3. There's a boy in my year (Liam) , and he has a hobby of picking on me. He has a gang, and the other day he asked me to be in his gang. He wouldn't take no for an answer, and then he hung me upside down. Luckily Jack (one of my best mates) jumped in and saved me, along with James, Callum and Matt. But now Liam is out to get me alone, and I don't want to walk home alone, in case he jumps out on me.
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1st off. I have like 13 girls that is my best friends and the rest are guys thats only cus i cant have no friendship with no kind of girl i really cant they start dramam for no reason they do little petty things and all they can do is fight but the 13 i got i love to death and we have a grate friendship but with my homeboys they are my best thing ever they dont start drama they dont be on petty little stuff and they are fun to hang out with no lie!! so dont feel bad about having See More all boy friends its ok.
2st Ikr!! i had a friend move away and i miss with with everything in me i mean we face time and text and stuff but its jest not the smae as when he was here i know how you feel but he can also come see you.
3rd You shudnt be scared of man but your dad he cant make you do something you dont wanna do if that means you got to put hands in his life or have 1 of you friends do it you shouldnt be scared to walk home along let him know you mean what you say if that means having his ass beat or you beating his ass to let him know you mean NO do what you have to do because if a dude ever put his hands on me it would trun in to world war 3 and i mean that. jest do what you think is righ
2st Ikr!! i had a friend move away and i miss with with everything in me i mean we face time and text and stuff but its jest not the smae as when he was here i know how you feel but he can also come see you.
3rd You shudnt be scared of man but your dad he cant make you do something you dont wanna do if that means you got to put hands in his life or have 1 of you friends do it you shouldnt be scared to walk home along let him know you mean what you say if that means having his ass beat or you beating his ass to let him know you mean NO do what you have to do because if a dude ever put his hands on me it would trun in to world war 3 and i mean that. jest do what you think is righ
on May 18, 2014
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Ur lucky to have so many guy friends. Sometimes wish I could just talk to boys without everyone saying I like them
If this guy Liam is out to get u, tell people you know. Then if anything happens, they're gonna know it was him. And maybe take up self defence-if it faster than him, you can run(safer than fighting) but if not then punch straight don't swing. It's harder to avoid. Aim for the nose (hit it hard enough and he will cry no matter how tough he if, it's a natural reaction) See More move in closer so he has less room to punch. Use your nails to dig in, twist and turn if he grabs you.
If this guy Liam is out to get u, tell people you know. Then if anything happens, they're gonna know it was him. And maybe take up self defence-if it faster than him, you can run(safer than fighting) but if not then punch straight don't swing. It's harder to avoid. Aim for the nose (hit it hard enough and he will cry no matter how tough he if, it's a natural reaction) See More move in closer so he has less room to punch. Use your nails to dig in, twist and turn if he grabs you.
on February 09, 2014
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Ill help u with one have you ever been to a wedding that said i married my husband and my best friend... Thats ur awnser

Well ya but i mean when in you 30s you might marry your best friend an im not saying that they will get mairried or anything
on December 18, 2013

Oh NO , that's creepy , because I have this best guy friend that we have so much in common , He is so sweet , I wouldn't be surprise if we got married when we were older
on December 18, 2013
on December 16, 2013
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Look I know you probably do but just in case feel lucky to have those friends I don't have any as I'm home schooled and its boring also be thankful they treat you like one of them they rarely do that. With the Liam situation you could tell an adult but it won't help whenever he does this again give him a fair warning telling him to stop and that he shouldn't do be serious when saying this if he doesn't listen and tries anything you don't slap and kick you punch show a sign of See More dominance go for the face, nuts, stomach and try get the back of the legs to knock him over if this does happen go on top of him grab him by the collar and tell him to leave you alone tell him you warned him if he spits or doesn't listen hit him again demand that he understands I know this seems aggressive but you got to do it to make them stop if he gets his gang involved you get yours involved if none of this helps ask me again.
on October 04, 2013
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1. If you're scared that your friendship will be ruined, then don't. The crush will probably fly over anyway:)
2. Have you tried Skype? It's a bit more personal.
3. My advice is to carry a cell phone with you at all times. And tell an adult you're worried about your safety! But, if you are really really freaked, look up some self defense videos. I'm taking karate and all I can say is get him where it hurts, groin, and face. Strike fast, strike hard, and make noise to intimidate See More and distract him.
Hope this helps! If you need further advice comment, message, or post on my wall!
2. Have you tried Skype? It's a bit more personal.
3. My advice is to carry a cell phone with you at all times. And tell an adult you're worried about your safety! But, if you are really really freaked, look up some self defense videos. I'm taking karate and all I can say is get him where it hurts, groin, and face. Strike fast, strike hard, and make noise to intimidate See More and distract him.
Hope this helps! If you need further advice comment, message, or post on my wall!
on September 01, 2013