Does anyone else like the same music I do or all you all directioners and beliebers? I like the bands: OneRepublic, The Fray, Coldplay, Green Day, All American Rejects, The Beatles, Queen, Evanescence, Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park, Nickelback, Shinedown, Pink Floyd, and Three Days Grace. Does anyone else???
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I love OneRepublic and Imagine Dragons! my fav OR song is Counting stars, and for ID it's demons! but One direction will always be my fav band no matter what.
on July 24, 2014
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OneRepublic, Coldpay, Green Day and Imagine Dragons i like 2, the others i havent listened and Pink i don' t like :D
on November 16, 2013
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i <3 all ur bands & more!!! but..... [dont hate me] i also like jb & 1d. dont wrry though. im not krazy.
on October 31, 2013
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Queen is my favourite band! I also love Green Day, Coldplay, The Fray, All AMerican Rejects, Evanescence, Pink Floyd and the Beatles :D
That's the lot from your list anyway :)
That's the lot from your list anyway :)
on December 24, 2014

I got top comment on the official video for Bohemian Rhapsody a while back for snapping back at a Directioner who said 'Queen sucks, 1D for live <3'. I wish sometimes that people would respect each other's tastes
on September 25, 2013

male direcioner/belieber whose comment I read on the internet: if you dont like justin and 1d kill yourself, theyre better than the beatles and Queen!
me: mamaaaaa just killed a man... put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead...
me: mamaaaaa just killed a man... put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead...

Hey I honestly like one direction and I'm a big directioner but that's going overboard. Not all of us r like that only the crazy stupid ones. I still can't believe someone would say that!
on December 25, 2014
on September 25, 2013
on September 25, 2013
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Clodplay, green day, queen, and imagine dragons.
Others are: the offspring, Backstreet boys, Shunichi Miyamoto
Others are: the offspring, Backstreet boys, Shunichi Miyamoto
on September 25, 2013
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The People I Like And Listen To Out Of The People You Have Listed Is Imagine Dragons And Coldplay :)
on September 24, 2013
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0_0 Yes....we are twins. I LOVE ALL THE MUSIC YOU DO. Especially Pink Floyd, Shinedown, Linkin Park ect..... I love everything as you do. <3
on September 24, 2013
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I'm sorry but I'm a BELIEBER and DIRECTIONER. And I do like linkin park, nickelback, evanescence, Coldplay and imagine dragons :)
on September 24, 2013
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I love One Republic, the Fray, Coldplay,The Beatles. Queen, and Imagine Dragons....

So excuse me of I offended you by expressing my personal opinion. I didn't realize this world has gone so far as to judge someone based upon their music tastes.
on October 07, 2013

First of all, I didn't. I was like "hey, I like some of those bands." So I posted. Second, I didn't say one direction was awesome or anything. I just said I liked them. Simple as that. Sue me. The last part was more or less a joke. If I post a question, I never said "oh and don't put this, or this" it ruins the point of asking. Like, "who's your favorite See More singer? But don't put your favorite singer if I don't like them, because my opinion is the only one that actually matters." It's easier to let people express themselves freely. That's something this world has lost, the ability to accept people and they're opinions.
on October 07, 2013

I understand and respect that you have an opinion, but I don't go onto a question called "What's the best One Direction song?" with the details saying "oh btw I hate the fray so don't comment about them" and say 1D sucks! The Fray Forever!!! so dont come onto a question that clearly states that the people on this question do not like 1d and say how "awesome" See More they are in your opinion. that would be like me going onto a jb song on youtube and expressing my dislike for him. I just dont look for jb songs on youtube, as you should not look for questions looking for people that dont like 1d and commenting about how much you like them. it wont change our minds.
on October 06, 2013

Well fine. I hate Linkin Park but that doesn't give me the right to put you down for something that is YOUR OPINION. It's something that YOU like and that YOU enjoy, and I know that no matter how much I don't like them, it won't impact you. Which basically means, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's wrong, it's just means that you need to See More get over the fact that some people like things that you don't.
on September 25, 2013
on September 24, 2013