Dumbest thing you did when you were a kid? Okay so when I was little I had this brilliant idea I mean brilliant LOL. One day I decided I was going to put masking tape on my feet and try to walk up the wall and on to the ceiling. Of course my mom was like that's not going to work stupid. So I'm just curious to see what kind of dumb things you did when you were a kid.
Answers (12)
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When I was little, i wrote initials on my LPs head because I was trying to name them.
Today I was looking at the kids go in the lines and bumped in to a pole
Today I was looking at the kids go in the lines and bumped in to a pole
on April 14, 2015
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i called santa fat, he was my mums old boss

Haha thats great. I kicked santa at the mall when I was a kid. My mom was soo mad at me and when I was like ten I told my brothers that santa wasnt real when they went to see him at a church and they started crying I also got in trouble for that.

@CeceNel94 I keep telling my siblings santa isn't real but they won't give it up xD
on February 18, 2017
on October 03, 2013
on September 29, 2013
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When I was like.. maybe four.. I was at my aunt's house and she lives in a two story house. I had a little four wheeler on the top floor.. so I thought it was a good idea to drive down the stairs. It didn't end well.
on February 18, 2017
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When I was 4 I tried to lift a 10 pound weight...Ended up dropping it on my big toe and this was on my birthday
on April 18, 2016
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I was upset with my mom because she wouldn't let me get a haircut, so I grabbed scissors and started to cut my own hair. I cut it crazily because I was young, I had no idea how to cut hair. Especially my own. During the act my mom caught me and she was not happy. It took forever for my hair to grow back and normal.
on October 19, 2014
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When I was three I but a whole tub of butter on my tricycle and road it around the house so there were butter track all over the carpet.
on February 11, 2014
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i was runnin with a chair hit a small crack & poll volted in the year landing with the chair on my head.
on October 31, 2013
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when I was in preschool I slapped a boy for commenting when I got in trouble and because I wouldn't apologies I got taken I out of class and sent to the office and then my mom had to take me home and was never went back to that school and was in trouble for a long time.
on September 14, 2013
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Well... I was holding a bowl of ice cream and I was about to go up the stairs and then a crazy idea came into my mind. The idea was to time myself and run as fast as I can up the stairs so I did. Since there was a curve in my stairs I took it, slipped [because I was wearing socks] and the hit my head really hard on the step, got covered in ice cream and got a big bruise on my knee :/.

on September 11, 2013
on September 11, 2013
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Well I didn't really do anything dumb except play in a tent at Ikea but my brother did something funnier. He was eating an ice cream outside and the glass door was closed. I was there watching him when he grabbed his ice creams and started drawing weird things on the window to get my attention, :)
on September 10, 2013
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Well once I decided to go on an expedition, and there was a river in the forest so I decided to make (attempt) a raft out of logs, and of course parcel string LOL wasn't going to hold it together so I came home soaking wet :D

on September 10, 2013
on September 10, 2013