I am 17 and i want a baby. Am i crazy? Details (Optional)
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Yes, thats crazy...no offense. Having babies takes alot of responsibility. For example, you later decide to spend time with friends but how if you have a baby or even a party! Can't do that either. Also taking babies out of you..PAINFUL! You going to reget it, trust me. It's better to wait my friend and do what teens will do. Thanks for asking.:)

Sorry about my BFF, Dashie...she's sensitive.
on August 30, 2013

i said any attractive and i didnt say anything about 9-13 year olds??? idk where you're getting your shit at. BTW you don't have to believe me. I have nothing to prove to you. I know my life and i know who i am.
on August 30, 2013

Not even worried about the side effects?!
on August 30, 2013

.....I'm very speechless.
on August 30, 2013

i know it's a lot of responsibility. my nephew is 3 and he lives with me. I've been raising him his whole life. I may be 17... but my life is far from being a teenager. I am an honor student. I make good grades and I take care of my house. My parents arent around. I dont need help from anyone. I'm an adult, maybe not by law... but by definition.
on August 30, 2013

on August 30, 2013

You're right it is pain but if you tell the doctor that you want no pain, they will give you a shot in your back. My mom survive having 4 children's without any shots on the back. If you are way to young or a teen, you can die.
on August 30, 2013

Btw, I'm a female and I saw teen pregnancy and they look like they was in pain, no man to help!
on August 30, 2013
on August 30, 2013
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U might want to wait, u are only 17 Hun u have your whole life in front of u.
in my option wait until marriage.
but do NOT have a baby now.
it is harder to have a baby at a young age :)
i hope this work
in my option wait until marriage.
but do NOT have a baby now.
it is harder to have a baby at a young age :)
i hope this work
on July 09, 2014
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No its natural to want a baby but my advice is to wait for a while start your life and get to know life before you make another one.
on December 10, 2013
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Lol, Seriously that sounds funny at least to me because at this age I can only think of some crazy stuff but never thought of such ever before.
Yeah being not ever in love might be my problem but that is crazy idea xd.
Yeah being not ever in love might be my problem but that is crazy idea xd.
on May 06, 2020
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don't. 17 is too young to have children. unless if you mean, "I wanna have kids IN THE FUTURE and I'm 17" then if you mean that, then no. you're not cray cray. but it hink the best age to have K-I-D-Z is early 20s, that's when my mum had me.
on December 18, 2015
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Your not crazy,but if you're only 17 it maybe to hard to take care of a child. Maby wait untill your in your mid 20s
on September 05, 2015
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Hun, wait until you're 20 or you parents will freak out. (Also try to find that perfect someone along the way so its a committed relationship, you don't want him to be one of those boys who has a baby and runs off!)
on April 19, 2015
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u are a little crazy if u want 1 now but u are not crazy if u want 1 in the future cuz its jus a goal
on May 21, 2014
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Yes!! your 17 hun! live your life 1st boo like forreal you should wanna stay young for ever cus once you have a baby your life is OVER.
on May 21, 2014
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NO! ur not cray... I'm 13 and i want a kid!!!it's totally ok to want a kid... just don't have sex... you can hold off on that, right? BTW, that's what condoms were made for.
on May 09, 2014
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later ...no. now i would say..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
on October 26, 2013
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on October 26, 2013
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Wait till you're older. The only reason I'm not thinking like that is because I go hard on myself. You want it, you'll get it...and a WHOLE lot more. Not that I have a kid or anything, I'm way to young.
on October 01, 2013
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Oh yes that is crazy talk. You cannot have a job and support yourself and the baby not in this economy. Think about that. Also it would be unfair for you to have a kid and still with your parents. Kids are so hard to raise. Think about when the baby cries at night and you've only had an hour of sleep and you just want to cry. And there is nothing the baby wants and they're just being fussy. Its not worth it. It is just your woman instincts saying I want a baby that's your body See More saying that not you.
on September 10, 2013
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my mum had me at 14 and it will make you feel trapped your just a kid yourself wait
on August 31, 2013
on August 31, 2013
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Hey, I'm 13 kinda and I want kids. That doesn't mean I'm gonna have them right away. Wait until you can find someone to raise them with or have alot of money to provide them with. Also at least wait till you're 28.
on August 31, 2013
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Wait until you're a little older. Since you're 17, I'm not going to go through my childhood rant to you, but you've still got a lot of life ahead of you. If I were you, I'd wait until I have a job I like, family to support me along with a male/female partner (I don't care who really) and until I'm happy. If you aren't entirely happy and satisfied right now, it probably wouldn't do you any good if you had the responsibility of a baby to cope with.
Hope I helped!
Hope I helped!
on August 30, 2013
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Definitely, definitely, definitely wait! Wait until your married, and you have a steady job that can support you and your family. If you have a baby now, you're going to miss out on so much! Hope this helps!
on August 30, 2013
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I think you should wait but that's your decision. To be honest I want a baby at the age of 19 but I don't know yet! Anyways, if you do choose to have the baby then good luck!
on August 30, 2013
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i guess if you want to have a baby and don't want to go through everything, then I guess you could adopt or if you'd rather have the baby then have it. I say, of you're responsible and your parents/guardian says it's okay, then go ahead. But don't do randumb hookups with guys just to have a baby. Make sure you know the guy will make a good father.
on August 30, 2013
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if you tell the doctor that you want no pain, they will give you a shot in your back. My mom survive having 4 children's without any shots on the back. If you are way to young or a teen, you can die. And there is a HUGE 85% chance that you will die. 25% you will survive. So you will die. But u can survive. So you're kinda crazy.
on August 30, 2013
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No i don't think your crazy, i actually think thats a good age to get pregnant. Since my sister Chloe first got pregnant at age 15. Don't judge her though! Please!
on October 31, 2013