Being a jerk, or being sweet? So today on the bus my friends older brother was talking to me on and off. We've never talked before. Anyway. I heard my name and said "what?" And he says "that's why it's so hot. Because you're on the bus." I started laughing and I "apologized" for being so hot. I went back to talking to my friend, and he threw something at me. I was like "What the (fill in the blank)!?!?" He started laughing and was like "I was trying to throw my gum at the window!" So I told him to not do that because it could get stuck in my hair. Then he just laughed some more and we had a conversation about shaving my hair off. He teased me some more. But he had told this other girl earlier that she was beautiful. So was he being sweet, or just a jerk because he does this to alot of girls.
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Maybe sweet he could have been trying to show that he likes you but you never know with dudes. If he called another cute then he could like her u jest never know if he messes with you more he showing he likes you if he messes with her more he showing he likes her.
on May 20, 2014
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maybe sweet....I don't know. There's so many idiots on my bus, one pretends to like me, but only in front of his mates. So it's fake, just for a reaction.
If he does that to a lot of girls, maybe he's a jerk(that means annoying asshole doesn't it? I'm English :) we don't say that)
Still, he called you hot :) maybe he's teasing to get your attention
If he does that to a lot of girls, maybe he's a jerk(that means annoying asshole doesn't it? I'm English :) we don't say that)
Still, he called you hot :) maybe he's teasing to get your attention
on April 07, 2014