What has happened to Miley Cyrus? Seriously. She has lost all class. I still remember her as Hannah Montana. Now she's singing about getting high in the bathroom and dancing like she's in a stripp club. And I get it, she can't be tamed and all that fun stuff. And yeah, maybe only God can judge get, but in my opinion she just threw her life away. (The pic is of her at the MTV VMAs)
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I think she basically went beserk. I admit I was not a huge fan of
Hannah Montanna but even that was better than the slut she is now!
Hannah Montanna but even that was better than the slut she is now!

on August 30, 2013
on August 29, 2013
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I just so confused the freak happen to her last time I payed attention to her was when I was a little girl and watched Disney before it went down hill and put and random crap now that I see what she became I kinda wonder how long it will be until she gets herself in some deep trouble.
on September 28, 2013
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I loved her as Hannah Montana. Wanted to see her in concert and bought most of her products but seriously what has happened. She was some innocent cute singer and now she's like a slut (excuse that) that can't control herself. I think its time she just left, retired, moved on, or changed. Who even likes her anymore?

on September 29, 2013
on September 23, 2013
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http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2013/miley-cyrus-liam-hemsworth-had-serious-fight-before-vmas-miley-cyrus-twerking-disaster-0829/ check this out :/

Liam has been advised by so many people and fans to stay away from her. I kinda agree
on September 23, 2013

yea..but it was miley who made him popular...or we wouldn't even knw him...nd it was just 1 BIG mistake she has done...nd she's already gettin soo much hate!!
on August 31, 2013
on August 30, 2013
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still Miley is now a drug drinking whoree who f*cks everyone and mkeout with dolls
on September 05, 2013
ikr I look up to her but not anymore shes just to muh now a days did u see har at the vmas
on September 04, 2013
on August 28, 2013