celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Defiance Born

My tutor droned on and on about the histories and their importance in present day society blablabla. When he was finished I thanked him for the lesson and I rushed to my room. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a blouse with droopy sleeves. The weather was just starting to get chilly so I grabbed a cloak as well. When I excited the manor my horse Scáth but I just called her Shadow. I mounted her and rode out of the gates as fast I could through the forest path that was lined with trees just s...
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on August 03, 2015

Check out my new story and please give some feedback it would mean a lot...
on August 02, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Liberty

I Choose You...
A few days later the Lady wished to take her dinner in her room because she was not feeling well. When I entered with her simple supper of soup and bread she dismissed everyone else from her room. I placed the tray on her table and moved to close the drapes and light the candles.
"Liberty," she called softly from the bed and I moved to help her to the table. When she saw it she looked green and I rushed to get the chamber pot. She was sick for a good few minutes. When she was done I removed t... Read Full Chapter
"Liberty," she called softly from the bed and I moved to help her to the table. When she saw it she looked green and I rushed to get the chamber pot. She was sick for a good few minutes. When she was done I removed t... Read Full Chapter
on July 08, 2015

Vampire Darkness is now over but if you guys want it I will write a followup on their children comment if that is what you want
on July 03, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

They returned to the hospital with their new baby. Their perfect baby Clarissa and her black curls and dimples. She was their third child and the youngest out of all her cousins.
"Hello there," Lacee whispered leaning down to kiss her forehead. Adrian draped his arm around her and kissed her head. Then everyone came rushing in to help forgetting that she was a baby. She began to cry softly with a small SHHH the baby stopped. She was passed around to each family memeber and cooed at.
"I love... Read Full Chapter
"Hello there," Lacee whispered leaning down to kiss her forehead. Adrian draped his arm around her and kissed her head. Then everyone came rushing in to help forgetting that she was a baby. She began to cry softly with a small SHHH the baby stopped. She was passed around to each family memeber and cooed at.
"I love... Read Full Chapter
on July 03, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

Adrian POV:
I don't remember much of my own wedding. i remember saying those magic words and that incredible kiss but other then that it is a blank space. We were going to our favorite place for our honeymoon and later would live there. The cabin that I had first seen her and I replayed that moment. We were going to be there for two weeks before we collected our things and moved in. We pulled up and I opened the door for then collected our bags. She was about to go inside but I dropped the b... Read Full Chapter
I don't remember much of my own wedding. i remember saying those magic words and that incredible kiss but other then that it is a blank space. We were going to our favorite place for our honeymoon and later would live there. The cabin that I had first seen her and I replayed that moment. We were going to be there for two weeks before we collected our things and moved in. We pulled up and I opened the door for then collected our bags. She was about to go inside but I dropped the b... Read Full Chapter
on July 03, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

Wedding Day
When I woke up on my wedding day my bed was covered in rose petals and I laid back to enjoy the few moments of silence I would get today. That moment was shattered when my sisters rushed in and bounced on my bed sending the flowers ever where. We laughed for a good solid minute and a half before I was rushed into a bath. I soaked for an hour before I was helped from the tub and given a towel. I dried off and was about to walk into my room when Baliee and Sabina through me a robe and sat me in...
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on July 02, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

I stared down at the gravestone in front of me with a gaping hole in my heart. I flashed back to what she did every time I closed my eyes. She died for me because she loved me and it took years for me to even talk to her again. I had finished him then when I let loose pure energy that destroyed him for good. We all sat around her saying goodbye. Adrian and been holding me up because I was so weak but Jaclyn was my big sister. When she stopped breathing I had to cry against his shoulder and wi...
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on July 02, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

A few minutes later he shoved past me and out of my room. I collapsed on the floor and cried. I cried for everything I lost. My mom, my finace, Cael, and my freedom. I didn't know who I was anymore and that scared me. I stood dried my eyes and dresses in one of the gowns in the dresser. It was a light brown and I brushed out the curls putting them in a bun. I left the room and every servant bowed to me as I passed. So I walked faster until I reached the throne room. Guards opened the doors a...
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on June 30, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

The King's face filled with joy and he saw me reach for my locket. He stopped me and rose me to my feet. Cael's face was pale and he looked like his world was crashing down. He looked at the locket and I opened it to show him the painting inside. I had never known who the people inside were but it was a woman and a man holding a baby laughing. I looked closer and saw a resemblance between the man before me to the man in the locket. He gazed at the painting with tears in his eyes before sweepi...
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on May 20, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

I had settled quickly into my life with the troops as head doctor. I had yet to loose a patient to infection or later illness. In my off time Cael taught me how to use a sword and a bow. When we passed a village I was able to restock on everything and have a little fun. The troops had been marching for three days now and we arrived at the capital city victorious. Flowers were thrown from balconies and people screamed for joy. The King was throwing a ball to celebrate the victory. The nurses a...
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on May 20, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

The Wedding
I froze as he backed away toward his thrown with the grin of a predator who has caught his prey. He nodded his head and a small army of maids rushed me out of the room and up to the tower. They filled up a bath with warm water and undid my hair so the red waves pooled around my waist before pushing me into the bath. They washed my hair with rose water and added some to the cooling water. After while they helped me from the tub and covered me in a plush towel before rushing me to the mirror. T...
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on March 27, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

I had raced home that night to the cottage. I had stopped at the market and bought Mom some strawberries hoping to get on her good side. They were the good kind red and ripe but not to the point when they get squished. I walked slowly hoping it would take me awhile so I had a chance to decide what I want to say. I ran through scenario after scenario. Each ended with a look and a no but I was determined to do this for my people. The King was afraid and angry at everything and everyone. These s...
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on March 27, 2015

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

The King
We rode for three nights and each night I stuck to my own devices. Read books and ignored other soldiers until we reached the outskirts of the city around noon on the fourth day. The city was quiet with no one in sight and all the shutters were shut. Even the soldiers seemed uneasy but I kept my head high and proud even in this ridiculous dress.
The maids made me where it and I hate it. It was an ivory dress that had a plunging neckline and my hair was up in a tight bun with a necklace that ... Read Full Chapter
The maids made me where it and I hate it. It was an ivory dress that had a plunging neckline and my hair was up in a tight bun with a necklace that ... Read Full Chapter
on December 23, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

We struggled against our chains for awhile trying to free ourselves but they burned with each tug.
"Well, Well, little sister we see each other again." my brother chuckled to himself and he appeared from the shadows with a monstrous grin on his face. I struggled against my chains as he moved closer to me and pulled me up by my hair.
"LET HER GO!" Adrian screamed as I squirmed in his grip.
"If it isn't the new fiance! I heard through the grape vine that you had been promised. I had hoped you ... Read Full Chapter
"Well, Well, little sister we see each other again." my brother chuckled to himself and he appeared from the shadows with a monstrous grin on his face. I struggled against my chains as he moved closer to me and pulled me up by my hair.
"LET HER GO!" Adrian screamed as I squirmed in his grip.
"If it isn't the new fiance! I heard through the grape vine that you had been promised. I had hoped you ... Read Full Chapter
on December 22, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

As we rode through the trees we slowed to a walk to let the horses rest.
"What did the plant he ingested look like," I questioned the Captain. I was hot on an idea of what it was but I needed a description to be able to help at all. The Captain wasn't listening and was unaware of what I said. I repeated myself but still no answer. I rode ahead and cut him off spooking his horse a little.
"Caption answer me please," I said with an edge of annoyance in my voice. He finally opened his mouth and ... Read Full Chapter
"What did the plant he ingested look like," I questioned the Captain. I was hot on an idea of what it was but I needed a description to be able to help at all. The Captain wasn't listening and was unaware of what I said. I repeated myself but still no answer. I rode ahead and cut him off spooking his horse a little.
"Caption answer me please," I said with an edge of annoyance in my voice. He finally opened his mouth and ... Read Full Chapter
on December 21, 2014