celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

When I walked downstairs Kadin my second older brother,
Sabina my eldest sister,
Mabelle the second eldest, and Jacalyn four years older than me all turned to look at me. Radcliff didn't look up from his newspaper like always. Jacalyn and Mabelle smiled at me lovingly while Kadin hugged me close like he always does when he is proud of me.
"Radcliff!" Sabina snapped at him nudging him with her hip while holding a plate in her hand. I sniffed the air and smelled eggs, bacon, and hash-browns. ... Read Full Chapter
Sabina my eldest sister,
Mabelle the second eldest, and Jacalyn four years older than me all turned to look at me. Radcliff didn't look up from his newspaper like always. Jacalyn and Mabelle smiled at me lovingly while Kadin hugged me close like he always does when he is proud of me.
"Radcliff!" Sabina snapped at him nudging him with her hip while holding a plate in her hand. I sniffed the air and smelled eggs, bacon, and hash-browns. ... Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Phoenix Fire

After I got Kala home and in bed I returned to my own home and rushed up to my room. My father yelled after me but didn't push me. I walked straight for my violin case and began to play. I played happy music, sad music, fast music, and slow music anything to clear my mind. I then began to practice my piece for the talent show when my father finale came upstairs.
"The school called asking if both you and Kala got home safely. Do you wanna tell me what happened today?" he said probing for some... Read Full Chapter
"The school called asking if both you and Kala got home safely. Do you wanna tell me what happened today?" he said probing for some... Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

I waited for her under the canopy of lilies the same
as the clip that now is always around my neck. i felt the weight of the crown on my head as I waited. The music changed and everyone stood while I fixed my gaze on the door. It opened and she walked toward me with a smile plain on her face. The wind kicked up her veil and her dresses sleeves blew. She reached me slowly and gazed up at me with joyful eyes. I looked around at my friends who had all come to support me and the girl I l... Read Full Chapter
as the clip that now is always around my neck. i felt the weight of the crown on my head as I waited. The music changed and everyone stood while I fixed my gaze on the door. It opened and she walked toward me with a smile plain on her face. The wind kicked up her veil and her dresses sleeves blew. She reached me slowly and gazed up at me with joyful eyes. I looked around at my friends who had all come to support me and the girl I l... Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

Her hair was long as it brushed my hand while she refused to look at me. The moon was shining on lake of Drema causing her to be cast in a bluish glow. I called out to her but she just responded with, " I am a lady-in-waiting I can't love my ladies friend let alone a prince-ling besides I can not love as deeply as you can."
"Why my lady," I whispered as she turned to look at me with her piercing blue eyes as if they saw my very soul. She looked at me sadly with happiness seeping into her gaze... Read Full Chapter
"Why my lady," I whispered as she turned to look at me with her piercing blue eyes as if they saw my very soul. She looked at me sadly with happiness seeping into her gaze... Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

I slipped a note underneath her chamber door seeing the light of a candle spilling out. The note said.....
Dear Eva,
I want to apologize but I shall not. I love you and I’m honest about it. I wish to speak to you about our love tomorrow next to the lake. Meet me there after sundown.
I hoped and dreamed that night about my future. I hoped she would meet me there but I was unsure. If she didn't i don't think i could ever love again. Read Full Chapter
Dear Eva,
I want to apologize but I shall not. I love you and I’m honest about it. I wish to speak to you about our love tomorrow next to the lake. Meet me there after sundown.
I hoped and dreamed that night about my future. I hoped she would meet me there but I was unsure. If she didn't i don't think i could ever love again. Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

Hey! Go to this link: http://www.qfeast.com/page/1/Qfeast-News and join the protests of the 50 chapter story limit! (please!) Also spread the word.

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on June 28, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling questioning myself. Questioning my actions, my future, and my feelings things that I thought I was sure on. I knew I wanted the future with the girl I loved who's name is Eva. I thought I saw the way she felt from the way she looked at me, the way she talked to me, and the way she touched me. Maybe I should talk to her and see if she wants the same thing. I couldn't bring myself to bring her more pain though. I wanted to spend my life with her or at lea...
Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

"Eva is that you?" I whispered to the figure standing next to the lake. She turned to look at me and with a smile playing at the corners.
"It is my Lord," she giggled and started to walk toward me but slipped and fell right into my arms. I caught her and she started to stutter out an apology but I silenced it with a kiss. I even surprised myself ,but her even more because she made a strange sound. It ended quickly and she started to kiss me back but stopped. She looked appalled at me and back... Read Full Chapter
"It is my Lord," she giggled and started to walk toward me but slipped and fell right into my arms. I caught her and she started to stutter out an apology but I silenced it with a kiss. I even surprised myself ,but her even more because she made a strange sound. It ended quickly and she started to kiss me back but stopped. She looked appalled at me and back... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

Early that morning I was sitting in the Grove next to lake Drema when Aragorn sat down next to me. He looked out at lake and then turned his gaze toward me.
"I saw you and Eva yesterday," he said with hope in his voice.
" Yes, we went for a walk and I taught her how to use the bow. It was nothing," I told him trying to stomp out his hopes for my happy ending.
"It didn't look like nothing," he snapped back catching on to my tone. Eva then walked into the grove and looked apologetic at us.
"My ... Read Full Chapter
"I saw you and Eva yesterday," he said with hope in his voice.
" Yes, we went for a walk and I taught her how to use the bow. It was nothing," I told him trying to stomp out his hopes for my happy ending.
"It didn't look like nothing," he snapped back catching on to my tone. Eva then walked into the grove and looked apologetic at us.
"My ... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

I watched her struggle for a good twenty minutes when I strolled over to help her.
"Like this," I said as a adjusted her arm on the bow so she could make a good shot. I fixed her fingers and her shoulder so they looked they way they were supposed to. "Just relax and let the arrow and the bow do the work. You just have to aim and release." I whispered into her ear remembering what my father said to me. She took at a deep breath and released. I watched the arrow fly and hit the middle of the ta... Read Full Chapter
"Like this," I said as a adjusted her arm on the bow so she could make a good shot. I fixed her fingers and her shoulder so they looked they way they were supposed to. "Just relax and let the arrow and the bow do the work. You just have to aim and release." I whispered into her ear remembering what my father said to me. She took at a deep breath and released. I watched the arrow fly and hit the middle of the ta... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

"Hello My Lady Eva," I said sticking to being proper after all she was a lady-in-waiting. She squealed and feel from her roost in the branches. AS she scrambled to dusting herself off and fixing her hair I noticed her journal lying in the grass. I bent to picked it up and hand it to her but she snatched up quicker than most could dream of.
"It is not polite to look at a ladies journal my Lord," she snapped at me but she did it in away that was not entirely snapping.
" Apologize My Lady I was ... Read Full Chapter
"It is not polite to look at a ladies journal my Lord," she snapped at me but she did it in away that was not entirely snapping.
" Apologize My Lady I was ... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Legolas of the Woodland Realm

I watched as Aragorn and Arwyn came toward me with baby Artmes looking at each other and him with glowing pride as he tugged on Lady Arwyn's hair.
"Legolas how are you my old friend?" Aragorn looked at me his eyes full of worry.
" I am fine. The family is beautiful." I responded not looking him in the eye because if I did he would see the pain and the loneliness that comes with being alone for so long.
" Thank you! Now can you show us to our room Arwyn would like to rest it was a long journ... Read Full Chapter
"Legolas how are you my old friend?" Aragorn looked at me his eyes full of worry.
" I am fine. The family is beautiful." I responded not looking him in the eye because if I did he would see the pain and the loneliness that comes with being alone for so long.
" Thank you! Now can you show us to our room Arwyn would like to rest it was a long journ... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

Just started a new story so please check it out and give me feed back. Please read my first one too.:)
on June 27, 2014