I Choose You...

"Liberty," she called softly from the bed and I moved to help her to the table. When she saw it she looked green and I rushed to get the chamber pot. She was sick for a good few minutes. When she was done I removed the food and got her a warm towel.
"Milady! You are not well," I said and I was growing worried but then I remembered something my mother once told me.
"Milady, When did you last um,"I stuttered but stopped before I said something foolish.
"A few months," she whispered.
"Milady, I think your with a child," I said only because she already knew and I just confirmed it. She nodded slowly and then began to cry and I knew exactly why.
When she was done the Lord came in and saw what had happened.
"Servant the King wishes me to submit a candidate for the up coming competition for queen," he shouted at me, "collect all unpromised servants and bring them here to me."
I sent out the messages and soon most of the lady servants were gathered in the hall.
"Any who work in the kitchens leave," his voice boomed and many girls left the hall.
"Those who clean,"his voice boomed again and this time less girls left.
"Those who have served guests," and only six were left. Servants of the lady and servants of him.
"Any who serve me... Leave." and I knew he was intent on hurting the lady. I assumed he would pick the servant who has been with her the longest. I think her name was Joan or something I had only met her a few times and of those times all she did was glare at me.
"I Choose You," his voiced boomed and then everything went black. He had pointed at me and in that decision my world came crashing to the ground. I didn't think i could ever rebuild the life I have here. In that moment he took my friends, what little family I have left, the kitchen boy who I always gave leftovers, the dogs I snuck food to when the Lord was mad. Everyone I ever knew was gone with one point of a finger. The worst part was I let him have that authority over me.
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