
Brayden came next but I held up a hand to stop him,"Please go I need to talk to Mom alone." He nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving the cottage. I bit my lip and though how much this would hurt him.
"They offered you the position didn't they," Mom said the look I gave her answered the question for her,"Go! I know how much you need to do this but first don't forget the story I told you as child."
"The one about the little baby found on the doorstep." I asked.
"Yes and you were that baby," she said but I had know that for a really long time I nodded. I climbed the stairs and began to pack a bag when I heard a gentle ting against my window. When I looked down Brayden was standing there and he motioned for me to let down the latter. I instead grabbed the letter I had been writing and put it in the basket. I lowered it down to him and closed the window. I watched him leave with a tear coming down my cheek. I packed dresses and pants and cloaks and shoes into for trunks. Then I went to the shop and packed up all the herbs I used the most into a small kit. I added some bandages and bowls for good measure. When I left the shop Brayden was standing there in the rain with the letter clutched tightly in his fist.
"I deserve more then this," he growled at me but I moved toward Breanna who pawed at the ground with impatience.
"Your right you do but I can't give it to you," I whispered and move toward the door to lock it up. Brayden rushed forward and turned me around before kissing me harshly. "Please," he whispered against my neck but I pushed him off and locked the door. I mounted Breanna and turned her toward him, "Rose please." I smiled sadly at him and turned Breanna toward my home.
"You finally got it right," I whispered and galloped down the road into the night. I never looked back at him as much as i wished I had but my destiny called to me. I felt like this was the way I need to go and this was what I had to do. I left that morning before dawn with my things so I wouldn't have to say goodbye to mom or Brayden. I didn't think I would be coming back anytime soon.
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