celtickittkatt added a new chapter to A Different Kind of Fairytale

"Rose, Wake Up!" Mom yelled from the kitchen where smells of bacon and eggs were coming from, "Get up and do your chores before heading into town to the shop."
"I'm awake Mom. Why can't you go to the shop today," I asked peeking into the kitchen after getting dressed. I grabbed a piece of bacon before heading out into the garden.
"None of your business," she shouted at my back. I walked far enough so I would be out of her view before I took of the simple flats Mom insisted I wear. I hated the... Read Full Chapter
"I'm awake Mom. Why can't you go to the shop today," I asked peeking into the kitchen after getting dressed. I grabbed a piece of bacon before heading out into the garden.
"None of your business," she shouted at my back. I walked far enough so I would be out of her view before I took of the simple flats Mom insisted I wear. I hated the... Read Full Chapter
on December 21, 2014

celtickittkatt asked a question

Character Ideas? I am writing something new and need some ideas write a name, ability(o...
on December 21, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

The Final Fight Begins
We dressed for a fight that night. My brothers ditched their suits and downed simple black t shirts and my sisters picked their favored outfits. Mabelle was in a simple tunic and tights, Sabina was in a pink crop top and leggings, Jacalyn was in full leather from head to toe. I went to my closet and I could figure out what to wear. Bailee came up behind me in a blue blazer and jeans she reached in to the very back and pulled a lever.
"When you first shifted I got to work on some battle ready... Read Full Chapter
"When you first shifted I got to work on some battle ready... Read Full Chapter
on December 19, 2014

~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)
on August 29, 2014

on August 19, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

Bailee raided my closet and her makeup drawer for something to put me. She picked a black dress with red swirls and with a flourish she added a pair of red heels. She twisted my hair up in a bun with a little diamond bobby pin to help hold it and zipped up the back of the dress.
"I am skipping makeup. I want you natural." she said before putting a little lip gloss on and stepping back with a few good nods before turning me to face the mirror. I looked at myself before leaving the room and he... Read Full Chapter
"I am skipping makeup. I want you natural." she said before putting a little lip gloss on and stepping back with a few good nods before turning me to face the mirror. I looked at myself before leaving the room and he... Read Full Chapter
on August 03, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Vampire Darkness

After the announcement we stayed at the cottage for a few days after sending word to Radcliff that we were safe. We cleaned up the place and cleared the garden for the vegetables. We went to the local market for food each day and we all made delicious fresh meals each day. We planted vegetables in the garden and cleared the rooms for us to stay there. On our last day there i locked myself in my room and avoided my sisters for the whole day.
"Lacee please come down for dinner," Jacalyn said kn... Read Full Chapter
"Lacee please come down for dinner," Jacalyn said kn... Read Full Chapter
on August 02, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

We rode for a good
long while until the man behind me decided that this clearing was good. He barked off orders toward his men and dismounted turning his gaze toward me.
"Milady may I help you down," he said with a little bow I ignored him and dismounted with ease. I wandered toward one of the tents and a guard opened the flap. I disappeared inside and drew in a deep breath between my teeth. The trunk were open to reveal dresses, jewelry, and hair pieces that Iris always marvels at. When I ... Read Full Chapter
long while until the man behind me decided that this clearing was good. He barked off orders toward his men and dismounted turning his gaze toward me.
"Milady may I help you down," he said with a little bow I ignored him and dismounted with ease. I wandered toward one of the tents and a guard opened the flap. I disappeared inside and drew in a deep breath between my teeth. The trunk were open to reveal dresses, jewelry, and hair pieces that Iris always marvels at. When I ... Read Full Chapter
on July 30, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

We stayed there for
a good long while. Artin and Gwenn got married while Cardrew found a lovely girl who was as eager for knowledge as he was. Iris got a handle on her powers because she started to make some good friends. Gwenn's wedding was perfect and I had never seen anyone so happy. Iris had done her hair in cascading waves with a daisy crown on her head. The dress I had stitched because a women in the town had taught me how. I had made a long dress with a drop waist. It had beads that ... Read Full Chapter
a good long while. Artin and Gwenn got married while Cardrew found a lovely girl who was as eager for knowledge as he was. Iris got a handle on her powers because she started to make some good friends. Gwenn's wedding was perfect and I had never seen anyone so happy. Iris had done her hair in cascading waves with a daisy crown on her head. The dress I had stitched because a women in the town had taught me how. I had made a long dress with a drop waist. It had beads that ... Read Full Chapter
on July 29, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

After a short walk
we came to a stream and dismounted our horses. When I went to secure Allena to a tree Aidan approached me.
"I saw your look when I mentioned the king," he said in a quiet voice and I turned to look at him. The look in his green eyes was kind and gentle but still dark. It made me want to tell him everything but I held my tongue and turned away from him cause if I looked into his eyes again I would tell him everything. So instead I went over to the stream and looked at my r... Read Full Chapter
we came to a stream and dismounted our horses. When I went to secure Allena to a tree Aidan approached me.
"I saw your look when I mentioned the king," he said in a quiet voice and I turned to look at him. The look in his green eyes was kind and gentle but still dark. It made me want to tell him everything but I held my tongue and turned away from him cause if I looked into his eyes again I would tell him everything. So instead I went over to the stream and looked at my r... Read Full Chapter
on July 25, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

When we walked into
the small town everyone turned to look at us. I felt like we were being paraded through the town and it didn't help that my hood had come down. My hair was pinned up because of Iris but it was still its bright red. In the center was a large hut similar to the others but bigger. As we approached a man came out he was a faerie and by the looks of it a fire faerie. He had red hair, red eyes, and as I looked his way a large hawk landed on his shoulder. He looked terrifying b... Read Full Chapter
the small town everyone turned to look at us. I felt like we were being paraded through the town and it didn't help that my hood had come down. My hair was pinned up because of Iris but it was still its bright red. In the center was a large hut similar to the others but bigger. As we approached a man came out he was a faerie and by the looks of it a fire faerie. He had red hair, red eyes, and as I looked his way a large hawk landed on his shoulder. He looked terrifying b... Read Full Chapter
on July 24, 2014

Hi guys, I am just gonna say that my first story Phoenix Fire will remain unfinished. Sorry!
on July 23, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

We rode for about
two hours at a fast pace until we were sure no one had followed us. We slowed to a walk and moved into the woods just out of sight but we kept an eye on the road just in case. We rode for about five hours before stopping to set up a camp. Artin disappeared into the forest to get firewood while Gwenn started to make a rabbit stew that we caught on the way. Cardew set up the tents, Iris unpacked what we needed from the bags, and I took care of the horses. When Artin returned... Read Full Chapter
two hours at a fast pace until we were sure no one had followed us. We slowed to a walk and moved into the woods just out of sight but we kept an eye on the road just in case. We rode for about five hours before stopping to set up a camp. Artin disappeared into the forest to get firewood while Gwenn started to make a rabbit stew that we caught on the way. Cardew set up the tents, Iris unpacked what we needed from the bags, and I took care of the horses. When Artin returned... Read Full Chapter
on July 23, 2014

celtickittkatt added a new chapter to Torn Sky

I awoke early on my
sixteenth birthday as I did everyday. I walked into the garden to gather fresh fruit as well as vegetables for breakfast. When I walked into the small kitchen Gwenn was making eggs and Iris was warming the bread that Artin had brought. Cardrew came up behind me and lifted me up swinging me around. When Iris laughed everyone hugged and started singing the birthday song. When I rolled my eyes Gwenn gave me a look that stopped me from speaking. Then there was a knock at the... Read Full Chapter
sixteenth birthday as I did everyday. I walked into the garden to gather fresh fruit as well as vegetables for breakfast. When I walked into the small kitchen Gwenn was making eggs and Iris was warming the bread that Artin had brought. Cardrew came up behind me and lifted me up swinging me around. When Iris laughed everyone hugged and started singing the birthday song. When I rolled my eyes Gwenn gave me a look that stopped me from speaking. Then there was a knock at the... Read Full Chapter
on July 23, 2014