Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Close Call and a Fall
We watch and listen in horror, as we listen to keys entering the keyhole.
"I'm just gonna get the broom!!" A man's voice shouts. Eli grabs my arm and clicks his fingers. The gold light dances around us, illuminating the room. The key is removed. I watch as the doorknob begins to turn. We're not out of here yet!! What are we going to do? If he sees us, we're toast!! The door starts to open.
"Hey, Geoff!" We hear. The door stops opening for a split second, turning my blood to ice. Fear surges t... Read Full Chapter
"I'm just gonna get the broom!!" A man's voice shouts. Eli grabs my arm and clicks his fingers. The gold light dances around us, illuminating the room. The key is removed. I watch as the doorknob begins to turn. We're not out of here yet!! What are we going to do? If he sees us, we're toast!! The door starts to open.
"Hey, Geoff!" We hear. The door stops opening for a split second, turning my blood to ice. Fear surges t... Read Full Chapter
on January 01, 2015

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Journey (1)
Chapter 5
Everything has happened so fast. I'm already walking through the woods, memories pulling me down.
"Uki?" Mellissa asks.
"You know my grandma?"
"The one screaming and crying?"
"Yes, she asked, if that you could look after me, since you're seventeen and I'm only fifteen, not as in loveydovey, as in brother sister protection,"
"Umm sure," I zone out and walk behind Uki and Mellissa. In my opinion, no one should go after the power stone so that the criminal who took it would get all confus... Read Full Chapter
"Uki?" Mellissa asks.
"You know my grandma?"
"The one screaming and crying?"
"Yes, she asked, if that you could look after me, since you're seventeen and I'm only fifteen, not as in loveydovey, as in brother sister protection,"
"Umm sure," I zone out and walk behind Uki and Mellissa. In my opinion, no one should go after the power stone so that the criminal who took it would get all confus... Read Full Chapter
on January 01, 2015

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Burst of Speed
I race down my street, dragging Josh and Dawn behind me.
"Care to explain!!" Josh screams over the wind rushing past as we sprint towards school.
"Later!!!" I shout back. Dawn reaches me and runs along side, Josh just behind.
"Jeez Josh, you're so slow," Dawn mutters.
"I heard that!"
Panting and wheezing, the three of us reach school.
"Fay!" Dan exclaims. "You look like you just sprinted a marathon!!"
"Mum," I manage to say. Dan, Josh and Dawn all share the same worried looks. "Wher... Read Full Chapter
"Care to explain!!" Josh screams over the wind rushing past as we sprint towards school.
"Later!!!" I shout back. Dawn reaches me and runs along side, Josh just behind.
"Jeez Josh, you're so slow," Dawn mutters.
"I heard that!"
Panting and wheezing, the three of us reach school.
"Fay!" Dan exclaims. "You look like you just sprinted a marathon!!"
"Mum," I manage to say. Dan, Josh and Dawn all share the same worried looks. "Wher... Read Full Chapter
on January 01, 2015

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Shut Up, Blondie
Eli rocks back and forth on Carasolla's chair, a glare fixed on his face. He's mad.
"Look, I'm sorry," I whisper. "I didn't know she was going to be absent,"
"Shut up," He hisses. I no longer hear the chatter of my classmates, but the thumping of my heart as the cruel words sink in. I gaze at the ground, obviously unhappy.
"Hey, blondie, aren't you supposed to protect her, not make her cry?" My head shifts up to the direction of the voice.
"Dominick..." I murmur.
"Treat her with some respect,... Read Full Chapter
"Look, I'm sorry," I whisper. "I didn't know she was going to be absent,"
"Shut up," He hisses. I no longer hear the chatter of my classmates, but the thumping of my heart as the cruel words sink in. I gaze at the ground, obviously unhappy.
"Hey, blondie, aren't you supposed to protect her, not make her cry?" My head shifts up to the direction of the voice.
"Dominick..." I murmur.
"Treat her with some respect,... Read Full Chapter
on December 31, 2014

on December 26, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
I walk confidently towards my old classroom, Eli following close behind. Tyler's words echo through my mind.
'Being the blizzard he is'
What is Eli really like? If someone compares another to a blizzard, does that mean, alone, ferocious and selfish? I've seen none of those qualities. I've seen determination, thoughtfulness and glee. Perhaps he's putting on a fake smile, but why would he break the rules for something without meaning? I shouldn't think too hard about this, it's none of my busi... Read Full Chapter
'Being the blizzard he is'
What is Eli really like? If someone compares another to a blizzard, does that mean, alone, ferocious and selfish? I've seen none of those qualities. I've seen determination, thoughtfulness and glee. Perhaps he's putting on a fake smile, but why would he break the rules for something without meaning? I shouldn't think too hard about this, it's none of my busi... Read Full Chapter
on December 17, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven

A Little Help, a Little Relief, a lot of Danger
I snap awake at the sound. The sound of footsteps hurtling towards me. I push slowly off the cloud. You'd expect a cloud to be light and fluffy but no, it's as hard as rock. Well I guess these clouds aren't like real clouds, otherwise you'd just keep on falling and that would be highly annoying. I focus my mind back on the footsteps. I can't quite tell who it is as the light of day is shining brightly and my eyes need to adjust. I blink several times and rub my eyes on my sleeve, trying to wa...
Read Full Chapter
on December 10, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven

I eat my chicken roast in silence, listening to Lord Harrison and Eli discussing important...stuff. I zone out of all conversations.
(This chapter is a whole bunch of flashbacks from Stephania's life)
"Steph!!" I spin around to see my best friend. He runs up to where I stand, a smile plastered across his face as if it's drawn in marker which you can't erase. I feel a grin creep across my face. I wave enthusiasticly.
"Dominick!! Hi!!" I shout into the air. Dominick reaches where I stand an... Read Full Chapter
(This chapter is a whole bunch of flashbacks from Stephania's life)
"Steph!!" I spin around to see my best friend. He runs up to where I stand, a smile plastered across his face as if it's drawn in marker which you can't erase. I feel a grin creep across my face. I wave enthusiasticly.
"Dominick!! Hi!!" I shout into the air. Dominick reaches where I stand an... Read Full Chapter
on December 09, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Questions Without Answers
So many thoughts cross my mind. So many questions I am yet to find the answers to.
Why do the Dark Angels want me?
How is Dominick handling my death?
Why do the rules matter so much? I mean seriously, no smiling?
Has anyone ever broken the rules?
Why is Eli a lord?
Why haven't I eaten something yet?
Okay, so the last one isn't as important, but I am getting hungry. At least I'm already dead so I can't die of starvation.
"Stephania?" I gaze up from where I'm sitting, looking carefully through ... Read Full Chapter
Why do the Dark Angels want me?
How is Dominick handling my death?
Why do the rules matter so much? I mean seriously, no smiling?
Has anyone ever broken the rules?
Why is Eli a lord?
Why haven't I eaten something yet?
Okay, so the last one isn't as important, but I am getting hungry. At least I'm already dead so I can't die of starvation.
"Stephania?" I gaze up from where I'm sitting, looking carefully through ... Read Full Chapter
on December 09, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Rules and Regulations
"Rule one," Tyler announces. "No mentor shall lay their hands on their client in any way, example, high fives are a huge NO," Tyler tells me. I nod. "Not that Lord Pocheco would ever high-five anyone, being the blizzard he is," He adds under his breath. Eli makes an annoyed sound, but then agrees. "Rule two," Eli roles his eyes.
"Tyler could I not say the rules?" Eli asks.
"Why not?"
"Because you're such a BLIZZARD, you make everything seem ten times worse than it is!!" Tyler preten... Read Full Chapter
"Tyler could I not say the rules?" Eli asks.
"Why not?"
"Because you're such a BLIZZARD, you make everything seem ten times worse than it is!!" Tyler preten... Read Full Chapter
on December 08, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Why Doesn't He Fly
"Lord Pocheco!!!" Comes Tyler's loud, yet soft voice. "I have alerted the council of Damian not continuing!" He adds. I gaze at Tyler's outspread wings as he flies effortlessly towards us, my eyes wander over to Eli's folded up wings. I know this is my first day here, but I've never seen Eli fly. I shake my head, discarding the thought. I stop and my surroundings are nebulous for a split second.
"Thank you Tyler, now please, come and land, you'll tire if you fly for too long," Eli orders.
"Y... Read Full Chapter
"Thank you Tyler, now please, come and land, you'll tire if you fly for too long," Eli orders.
"Y... Read Full Chapter
on December 08, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven
Lord Pocheco
"Damian, Tyler, what seems to be the problem?" Comes a voice from behind me. I spin around.
"Eli, hi," I say, happy to see someone sane. Eli completely ignores me, his focus is fixed on the boys, I guess the boy with auburn hair and brown eyes is Tyler.
"I am NOT watching over HER!" Damian complains.
"What's the reason for that?" Eli asks with a straight experessions and flat tone.
"She's annoying and rude!!" Damian explains. I cross my arms and glare. My blue eyes narrowing.
"Then again... Read Full Chapter
"Eli, hi," I say, happy to see someone sane. Eli completely ignores me, his focus is fixed on the boys, I guess the boy with auburn hair and brown eyes is Tyler.
"I am NOT watching over HER!" Damian complains.
"What's the reason for that?" Eli asks with a straight experessions and flat tone.
"She's annoying and rude!!" Damian explains. I cross my arms and glare. My blue eyes narrowing.
"Then again... Read Full Chapter
on December 07, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven

Night Watch Idiots
Stephania's P.O.V
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to watch the sunset from a cloud. It's amazing in a nutshell. I slowly place myself on the cloud, resting my hands behind me for balance. Colours flood the sky.
"Hey, look!" Comes a voice. I spin around. "She looks ridiculous!" Says the voice again. My eyes stop on two teenage boys. They're pointing at me.
"Got a problem?!" I scream at them.
"Yeah! You're blocking the sunset!!" One of the boys screams. I gaze at their outspread... Read Full Chapter
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to watch the sunset from a cloud. It's amazing in a nutshell. I slowly place myself on the cloud, resting my hands behind me for balance. Colours flood the sky.
"Hey, look!" Comes a voice. I spin around. "She looks ridiculous!" Says the voice again. My eyes stop on two teenage boys. They're pointing at me.
"Got a problem?!" I scream at them.
"Yeah! You're blocking the sunset!!" One of the boys screams. I gaze at their outspread... Read Full Chapter
on December 07, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Unforgiven

Dominick Eyekon
Dominick's P.O.V
(It will normally be Stephania's P.O.V but will occasionally change)
I slowly walk through the old corridor of my school, stares burn into me. Why are they all looking at me? I rub my tired eyes. I couldn't sleep a wink last night, nor the night before. My mind is flooded by memories that I had discarded years ago. I still remember the day I met her. I wish I saved her. I was stupid and thoughtless. She probably had reasons to kill me, I should of at least heard her out. Te... Read Full Chapter
(It will normally be Stephania's P.O.V but will occasionally change)
I slowly walk through the old corridor of my school, stares burn into me. Why are they all looking at me? I rub my tired eyes. I couldn't sleep a wink last night, nor the night before. My mind is flooded by memories that I had discarded years ago. I still remember the day I met her. I wish I saved her. I was stupid and thoughtless. She probably had reasons to kill me, I should of at least heard her out. Te... Read Full Chapter
on December 07, 2014

created a

Which anime character are you (girls only)
on December 04, 2014

Fairy Tail - 1 - The Fairy Tail
Available on DVD/Blu-ray combo on 11/22/2011! http://www.funimation.com/fairy-tail Lucy wants nothing more than to join Fairy Tail, the most rambunctious wiz...

@PikachuKetchum Thanks so much! I watched an episode in Japanese and it is WAY better than english dub and now i am watching them all in Japanese! Thank u!
on December 15, 2014

U did? When I looked they didn't have it in Japanese... weird. Anyway, I prefer English dubbed but ONLY on Fairy Tail and not on any other animes
on December 06, 2014
on November 29, 2014