Dominick Eyekon

(It will normally be Stephania's P.O.V but will occasionally change)
I slowly walk through the old corridor of my school, stares burn into me. Why are they all looking at me? I rub my tired eyes. I couldn't sleep a wink last night, nor the night before. My mind is flooded by memories that I had discarded years ago. I still remember the day I met her. I wish I saved her. I was stupid and thoughtless. She probably had reasons to kill me, I should of at least heard her out. Tears race into my eyes, begging to come out. I slam my eyes shut and shake my head. Clenching my fists. Why was I an IDIOT!? My chest tightens and my stomach ties in knot. I just want to hear her voice, just one more time. I open my eyes and stop in my tracks, gazing at the ceiling.
"D-dominick?" Comes a shaky voice. I look behind me and am greeted by my old teacher which I am towering over. I'm pretty tall.
"What?" I ask coldly.
"Are you alright? I heard about Stephania," My eyes widen. The teacher looks thoughtfully at me. Then, I'm sprinting, far away from the teacher. Tears run down my face, spilling like ink.
I stop in the boy's bathroom. I walk over to the mirror. Clutching the sink below it. My dark brown hair that could easily be mistaken for black, is scrawny and my dark brown eyes are glassy and bloodshot. I can feel myself shaking. Normally, when I'm feeling like this, Stephania is there to comfort me and to make me laugh. This thought triggers the rain of tears. I splash the cool water from the tap over my face.
I'm evil! Why?! I don't like this, not one bit.
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