on July 04, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Dawn's Good Side
Dan and I walk into the pizza place to see all the tables full. We look around to see if there is a friend to sit with but all there is, is Dawn and Josh.
"Better them than no pizza," Dan says.
"I guess," We walk over to them. "Hey Josh, hey Dawn!" I say. They both look up at Dan and I.
"Oh hi guys.." Dawn mumbles. I feel a pang of guilt.
"Dawn please, can we just call a truce, just for tonight?" "PLEEEAAAAASE!" I beg. She rolls her eyes and smiles,
"Well I guess we are gonna be neighbours f... Read Full Chapter
"Better them than no pizza," Dan says.
"I guess," We walk over to them. "Hey Josh, hey Dawn!" I say. They both look up at Dan and I.
"Oh hi guys.." Dawn mumbles. I feel a pang of guilt.
"Dawn please, can we just call a truce, just for tonight?" "PLEEEAAAAASE!" I beg. She rolls her eyes and smiles,
"Well I guess we are gonna be neighbours f... Read Full Chapter
on June 30, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
First Date
I look at the clock. 6:49pm. I pull on my long sleeved green shirt and dark pink poncho.
I snatch my brush away from my desk and frantically brush my long blond hair. I look around for a hair lackey and tie my hair up in a French braid.
I run around my room searching for my black boots.
"Bingo!" I grab them and slide them on.
I'm bursting with excitement, my FIRST date! I pick up my bag and stuff my phone, some lipgloss, a pack of tissues and my purse into it.
... Read Full Chapter
I snatch my brush away from my desk and frantically brush my long blond hair. I look around for a hair lackey and tie my hair up in a French braid.
I run around my room searching for my black boots.
"Bingo!" I grab them and slide them on.
I'm bursting with excitement, my FIRST date! I pick up my bag and stuff my phone, some lipgloss, a pack of tissues and my purse into it.
... Read Full Chapter
on June 28, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

The Question
I sit on my bed, playing Fruit Ninja, slicing my way into a new high score when....
My phone begins to ring.
"NOOO!!! this better be good!"
'Uh hi Fay it's Dan, am I interrupting you or something??'
'Oh hey Dan and what makes you say that?'
'I heard you screaming NOOO'
'Haha ok fine'
'Anyways, why are you calling'
'Well I just wanted to ask if umm y'know I mean you don't have to say yes well I mean I'd like you to say yes but umm..'
'Ok, do you wanna... Read Full Chapter
My phone begins to ring.
"NOOO!!! this better be good!"
'Uh hi Fay it's Dan, am I interrupting you or something??'
'Oh hey Dan and what makes you say that?'
'I heard you screaming NOOO'
'Haha ok fine'
'Anyways, why are you calling'
'Well I just wanted to ask if umm y'know I mean you don't have to say yes well I mean I'd like you to say yes but umm..'
'Ok, do you wanna... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

Lukas's P.O.V
I wait with Dan and Fay by the door. I need to talk to Autumn. Urgently. I hear banging from the other side of the door.
"Shannon? Autumn?" Fay questions.
"Yep," Autumn confirms.
"Heyo!" Shannon adds. In only seconds we hear the doorknob turn. The door opens. Shannon does jazz hands as she enters the room. "Well who do we have here," She jokes. Behind her I see Autumn holding a bent hair clip. She must've used it to open the door.
"Hey Dan, hey Fay!" She squeals. "Umm hey Lukas... Read Full Chapter
I wait with Dan and Fay by the door. I need to talk to Autumn. Urgently. I hear banging from the other side of the door.
"Shannon? Autumn?" Fay questions.
"Yep," Autumn confirms.
"Heyo!" Shannon adds. In only seconds we hear the doorknob turn. The door opens. Shannon does jazz hands as she enters the room. "Well who do we have here," She jokes. Behind her I see Autumn holding a bent hair clip. She must've used it to open the door.
"Hey Dan, hey Fay!" She squeals. "Umm hey Lukas... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Journey (1)
Chapter 4
Uki, Mellissa and I walk back into the main hall to see our parents, waiting for us to say 'goodbye'.
"Uki, don't die!" I see a little girl, like Uki she has rich brown hair and soft black eyes.
"Don't worry, I will be back little one," He reassures her. His voice is clam and confident.
"Arabelle, Do your mother proud,"
"I will father," I say. I look at Mellissa, trying to comfort her grandmother.
"We should get going," Uki suggests. Mellissa and I nod.
We walk out of the hall and wave to ou... Read Full Chapter
"Uki, don't die!" I see a little girl, like Uki she has rich brown hair and soft black eyes.
"Don't worry, I will be back little one," He reassures her. His voice is clam and confident.
"Arabelle, Do your mother proud,"
"I will father," I say. I look at Mellissa, trying to comfort her grandmother.
"We should get going," Uki suggests. Mellissa and I nod.
We walk out of the hall and wave to ou... Read Full Chapter
on June 27, 2014

Bad news!

well mum was all like 'no u hve to stay home blh blah blah so now im being FORCED To stay home! :-&
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Trapped In a Bird Cage
"Is the icepack helping?" Lukas asks me.
"Yeah, Do you think we could go outside, I need some air,"
"OK," Lukas agrees. We walk up to the door and Dan tries to open it. The only thing the doorknob does is rattle.
"It's locked!" Dan explains. I gasp.
"We're trapped!!" Lukas shrieks. I feel my feet sink into the ground (not literally btw)
"I'm sorry guys, I should have never dragged you into this mess and now we're all TRAPPED!" I tell them. Dan puts his hand on my should.
"It's not your fault... Read Full Chapter
"Yeah, Do you think we could go outside, I need some air,"
"OK," Lukas agrees. We walk up to the door and Dan tries to open it. The only thing the doorknob does is rattle.
"It's locked!" Dan explains. I gasp.
"We're trapped!!" Lukas shrieks. I feel my feet sink into the ground (not literally btw)
"I'm sorry guys, I should have never dragged you into this mess and now we're all TRAPPED!" I tell them. Dan puts his hand on my should.
"It's not your fault... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Meeting with mum
Dan and I sit there for a few minutes until we hear the bathroom door open and let go of each others hands.
"Hey that bathroom smells an awful lot like lavender," Lukas tells us.
We sit and talk for a while until.
"That'll be mum," I say. "Can you guys wait here?" They both agree. I walk slowly up to the door and start to open it.
"Fay! Hello!"
"Umm mum can you follow me?"
"Sure darling, where to?"
"The living room,"
I walk to the living room and open the door to... Read Full Chapter
"Hey that bathroom smells an awful lot like lavender," Lukas tells us.
We sit and talk for a while until.
"That'll be mum," I say. "Can you guys wait here?" They both agree. I walk slowly up to the door and start to open it.
"Fay! Hello!"
"Umm mum can you follow me?"
"Sure darling, where to?"
"The living room,"
I walk to the living room and open the door to... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

Mum is coming
Fay's P.O.V
I hear the doorbell ring and run to the door. I take a deep breath and open it.
"Dan, Lukas!! you made it!" I squeal.
"Yup," Lukas says.
"Of course we came Fay," Dan tells me. He smiles, not his creepy smile that he did yesterday but a nice smile, a smile that makes you know that you'll be friends for a very long time. Lukas does a kissy face.
"Hey!!" Both Dan and I say at the same time.
"Fine, fine,"
"Anyways, come in," I lead them into the living room and point to the couch. "W... Read Full Chapter
I hear the doorbell ring and run to the door. I take a deep breath and open it.
"Dan, Lukas!! you made it!" I squeal.
"Yup," Lukas says.
"Of course we came Fay," Dan tells me. He smiles, not his creepy smile that he did yesterday but a nice smile, a smile that makes you know that you'll be friends for a very long time. Lukas does a kissy face.
"Hey!!" Both Dan and I say at the same time.
"Fine, fine,"
"Anyways, come in," I lead them into the living room and point to the couch. "W... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Journey (1)

Chapter 3
(The picture is Mellissa with her swords)
"Welcome everyone! As you know three of you will be leaving us today, for a good cause!" our leader announces. I look at Aria. She is sweating so much she could fill up our dried up dam. Whilst she is a nervous wreck I am calm and collected. I will not get chosen, I will not get chosen. I keep reassuring myself that.
"So, lets get started!" "If I call your name please walk up to me," His assistant wheels a big barrel filled with names up to him. His ... Read Full Chapter
"Welcome everyone! As you know three of you will be leaving us today, for a good cause!" our leader announces. I look at Aria. She is sweating so much she could fill up our dried up dam. Whilst she is a nervous wreck I am calm and collected. I will not get chosen, I will not get chosen. I keep reassuring myself that.
"So, lets get started!" "If I call your name please walk up to me," His assistant wheels a big barrel filled with names up to him. His ... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Journey (1)
Chapter 2
Ever since then I've been learning how to defend myself. I'm now the best sixteen year old archer in my village, even better than the elven teenagers. To be honest I actually want to get chosen so I can show my mother, watching from above, that I am worthy. That I'm not that cowardly fourteen year old anymore.
"Morning Arabelle," my dad says in his deep, gruff voice.
"Morning father,"
"You nervous?" I want to say that I'm terrified, that I could possibly die, that I could let the village down... Read Full Chapter
"Morning Arabelle," my dad says in his deep, gruff voice.
"Morning father,"
"You nervous?" I want to say that I'm terrified, that I could possibly die, that I could let the village down... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014