Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Dan's P.O.V
Beep! I check my phone for a message. It's from Fay
'Hey Dan, my mum is coming back in an hour and I don't know if I can face her alone, can you and Lukas come round in ten? I'd really appreciate it'
I text back:
'Sure I'll be there, I will just text Lukas now'
'Thanks so much :D'
I search through my contact list and find Lukas
'Hey Lukas! Fay's mum is coming home and wants you and I to be there'
He texts
'I'll come round to your place now then we can go together'
I reply
'... Read Full Chapter
Beep! I check my phone for a message. It's from Fay
'Hey Dan, my mum is coming back in an hour and I don't know if I can face her alone, can you and Lukas come round in ten? I'd really appreciate it'
I text back:
'Sure I'll be there, I will just text Lukas now'
'Thanks so much :D'
I search through my contact list and find Lukas
'Hey Lukas! Fay's mum is coming home and wants you and I to be there'
He texts
'I'll come round to your place now then we can go together'
I reply
'... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

Over Shannon
Josh's P.O.V
Silence. It hangs between my sister and I. Silence. You know something is wrong when DAWN is silent. I open my mouth to talk but am interrupted.
"How DARE you do this to ME!!!" She yells.
"Do what?"
"Stare at that stupid idiot!" "What's her name, oh that's it, Shannon!"
"She isn't an idiot!!"
"I bet you anything you like her!"
"Well you are wrong!!! I do NOT like her in that way,"
"Yeah sure, and I'm the queen," I growl and sprint off.
Home, I can see it, home. The place where... Read Full Chapter
Silence. It hangs between my sister and I. Silence. You know something is wrong when DAWN is silent. I open my mouth to talk but am interrupted.
"How DARE you do this to ME!!!" She yells.
"Do what?"
"Stare at that stupid idiot!" "What's her name, oh that's it, Shannon!"
"She isn't an idiot!!"
"I bet you anything you like her!"
"Well you are wrong!!! I do NOT like her in that way,"
"Yeah sure, and I'm the queen," I growl and sprint off.
Home, I can see it, home. The place where... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

I wrote more New Girl and I included your OC!!!!!!!

cool thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on June 22, 2014
on June 22, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Lukas and Autumn
Autumn's P.O.V
I walk down the hall and see Lukas up in front of me.
"Lukas!!" He turns and smiles at the sight of me.
"Hey Autumn," He says.
"Hey look at this shirt, my MUM bought it for me," I tell him whilst pointing to my new shirt.
"Oh yeah mum's always buy the worst stuff, I mean they could at least ask us before they buy it," I would usually agree except...
"But Lukas, I like this shirt," He looks hurt but not as hurt as me. I spot Fay and run up to her, I look behind me to see Lukas... Read Full Chapter
I walk down the hall and see Lukas up in front of me.
"Lukas!!" He turns and smiles at the sight of me.
"Hey Autumn," He says.
"Hey look at this shirt, my MUM bought it for me," I tell him whilst pointing to my new shirt.
"Oh yeah mum's always buy the worst stuff, I mean they could at least ask us before they buy it," I would usually agree except...
"But Lukas, I like this shirt," He looks hurt but not as hurt as me. I spot Fay and run up to her, I look behind me to see Lukas... Read Full Chapter
on June 21, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

(The photo is of Nicola)
"Autumn, Shannon, This is Dawn and Josh, They just transferred here," I announce. I catch Shannon staring at Josh and then Josh staring at her. I feel like grabbing both their heads and making them kiss. Anyone can tell they are meant to be. I roll my eyes and smile.
"Err what's wrong with your face?" Dawn asks Shannon. I watch her feel her face for something. There is nothing. Dan, Autumn, Josh and I exchange shocked looks.
"Like OMG I sooo agree!!" I hear. I look b... Read Full Chapter
"Autumn, Shannon, This is Dawn and Josh, They just transferred here," I announce. I catch Shannon staring at Josh and then Josh staring at her. I feel like grabbing both their heads and making them kiss. Anyone can tell they are meant to be. I roll my eyes and smile.
"Err what's wrong with your face?" Dawn asks Shannon. I watch her feel her face for something. There is nothing. Dan, Autumn, Josh and I exchange shocked looks.
"Like OMG I sooo agree!!" I hear. I look b... Read Full Chapter
on June 21, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
(It's the next day and they are walking to the cafeteria for recess/first break)
"You'll love them!" I tell Josh and Dawn, "Well not love as in love love, love as in a friend!" Dan, Autumn and Shannon were already in the cafeteria. Josh and Dawn have both met Dan, but had never seen Autumn and Shannon.
"They sound WONDERFUL! Dawn squeals. I open the door to the cafeteria and walk in with Josh and Dawn following me. I point to the table where my friends are.
"Who's the pretty one with her hai... Read Full Chapter
"You'll love them!" I tell Josh and Dawn, "Well not love as in love love, love as in a friend!" Dan, Autumn and Shannon were already in the cafeteria. Josh and Dawn have both met Dan, but had never seen Autumn and Shannon.
"They sound WONDERFUL! Dawn squeals. I open the door to the cafeteria and walk in with Josh and Dawn following me. I point to the table where my friends are.
"Who's the pretty one with her hai... Read Full Chapter
on June 14, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

We stare at each other, I can feel his breath on my face, I smile, he smiles. He blushes, I blush. We both lean in close. We kiss. I feel like time has frozen and the only things alive are Dan and I. We both reluctantly pull back.
"I wish I could stay but I have to be back at the orphanage before five," He announces
"Oh well bye then,"
"Bye, by the way, the snowman is called Fayne, got the inspiration from this beautiful name I know called Fay," He points to the snowman we attempted to make. ... Read Full Chapter
"I wish I could stay but I have to be back at the orphanage before five," He announces
"Oh well bye then,"
"Bye, by the way, the snowman is called Fayne, got the inspiration from this beautiful name I know called Fay," He points to the snowman we attempted to make. ... Read Full Chapter
on June 09, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
After School Arrangements
"Fay?!" Dan says in between breaths.
"What," I grumble
"What happened?"
"Why do you need to know,"
"Listen Fay, I don't like that girl, SHE likes ME, not the other way, and why do you care?"
"Because I- She- ugh!"
"Listen, I need to say something, meet me after school in the park,"
With that Dan walks off. What could he possibly want to tell me? Suddenly I feel many light objects falling on me. Snow. I love winter.
(After school, it's still snowing btw)
I grab my books and head quickly to... Read Full Chapter
"What," I grumble
"What happened?"
"Why do you need to know,"
"Listen Fay, I don't like that girl, SHE likes ME, not the other way, and why do you care?"
"Because I- She- ugh!"
"Listen, I need to say something, meet me after school in the park,"
With that Dan walks off. What could he possibly want to tell me? Suddenly I feel many light objects falling on me. Snow. I love winter.
(After school, it's still snowing btw)
I grab my books and head quickly to... Read Full Chapter
on June 07, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

Josh and Dawn
(btw this is the next day)
I'm pulling on my white t-shirt a black, silky hoddie, a skirt and some leggings underneath. I walk down the hall and tip out some 'flakes o corn' into a bowl.
I walk to the door with my bag slung on my bag and my hair straightened that falls down to my waist. Suddenly, as I'm just about to open the door,
Ding! Dong!
I snatch the door open. What I see is a tall, strong boy. This boy wears a straight black t-shirt, brown hoddie and dark blue jeans. He has soft black... Read Full Chapter
I'm pulling on my white t-shirt a black, silky hoddie, a skirt and some leggings underneath. I walk down the hall and tip out some 'flakes o corn' into a bowl.
I walk to the door with my bag slung on my bag and my hair straightened that falls down to my waist. Suddenly, as I'm just about to open the door,
Ding! Dong!
I snatch the door open. What I see is a tall, strong boy. This boy wears a straight black t-shirt, brown hoddie and dark blue jeans. He has soft black... Read Full Chapter
on June 06, 2014

tanks 4 d follow :D
on June 06, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

New Neighbours
My long black boots slam softly into the pavement as I begin my walk home. All I can think about is me as a little kid playing with my best friend, having the time of my life, I remember looking around the corner in my house, hiding, seeing Lukas at the front door with a basketball asking my mum if I could go play with him and my mum slamming the door in his face. I feel, well to be honest I don't know how I feel. I approach my house. My hair covers my face. I look at the house next to mine, ...
Read Full Chapter
on June 03, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
Lukas's reasons
"Give me your schedule," Dan orders. I begin to search through my pocket. I feel some coins a tissue and my schedule. I snatch it out and hand it to Dan, I watch his face light up brighter than the stars.
"What?" I demand.
"We're in the next class together!" he explains. We both look at each other with big smiles.
"Are Autumn and Shannon with us?" I question excitedly. He shakes his head. "Oh," I say starting to feel disappointed.
"Lukas is though," He points out, "Maybe we can find out why h... Read Full Chapter
"What?" I demand.
"We're in the next class together!" he explains. We both look at each other with big smiles.
"Are Autumn and Shannon with us?" I question excitedly. He shakes his head. "Oh," I say starting to feel disappointed.
"Lukas is though," He points out, "Maybe we can find out why h... Read Full Chapter
on June 02, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

I walk out of the bathroom leaving Autumn to cry over her crush moving away and Shannon comforting her. I don't even know where to start looking for Dan. I think of all the places I've seen him, history, art class, the cafeteria and then when I first arrived at school, when I first met Dan, when I first saw his strong chocolate eyes. Near the gate. I sprint to the front of the school. I can see him sitting where he was before. I try to be silent so he doesn't hear me.
"Hey Fay," he says still... Read Full Chapter
"Hey Fay," he says still... Read Full Chapter
on June 02, 2014

Sarbar1010 asked a question
I need some ideas I really want to make a quiz but I have no idea what it should be abo...
on June 02, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life
"I haven't seen my mum since seven o'clock last night," I explain
"Oh, well I guess you will be able to see her after school then," Dan says. I shake my head
"Mum left a note on the bench today saying that she has a friend in need and she won't be back for two days," I tell him. He looks like he doesn't know how to fix my problem as well. He pushes his lunch away.
"I'm not hungry anymore," he mumbles. With that he stands up and goes to the cafeteria door.
"Da-" I stop myself. He needs some ti... Read Full Chapter
"Oh, well I guess you will be able to see her after school then," Dan says. I shake my head
"Mum left a note on the bench today saying that she has a friend in need and she won't be back for two days," I tell him. He looks like he doesn't know how to fix my problem as well. He pushes his lunch away.
"I'm not hungry anymore," he mumbles. With that he stands up and goes to the cafeteria door.
"Da-" I stop myself. He needs some ti... Read Full Chapter
on June 02, 2014

heyyyyyyy wuts goin on
on June 02, 2014

Sarbar1010 added a new chapter to Tormented Life

We meet up with Shannon and Autumn back in art class.
We all head to the cafeteria to get some food but are stopped by a tall boy.
"Autumn, I didn't see you there!" He exclaims.
"Haha it's fine Lukas, It's nice to see you!" Autumn giggles. Shannon does a kissy face whilst Autumn and Lukas aren't looking. Daniel and I look at each other and try to hide the bubble of laughter trying to escape our mouths.
"Well Fay, Daniel and I are going to go ahead, maybe you guys can, I dunno, have... Read Full Chapter
We all head to the cafeteria to get some food but are stopped by a tall boy.
"Autumn, I didn't see you there!" He exclaims.
"Haha it's fine Lukas, It's nice to see you!" Autumn giggles. Shannon does a kissy face whilst Autumn and Lukas aren't looking. Daniel and I look at each other and try to hide the bubble of laughter trying to escape our mouths.
"Well Fay, Daniel and I are going to go ahead, maybe you guys can, I dunno, have... Read Full Chapter
on June 02, 2014