AVPM or Potter Puppet Pals?
So I was wondering what would YOU rather the Harry Potter c...
has anyone read divergent and insurgent/
i want to know because it dosent look like any...
Who is a Steven King fan???
hi, the other day my crush asked out my best friend, i need advice, i dont kno if i sho...
What can escape from a black hole?
Who in this hell-hole of a world wish their mom would get off their case????
Just answe...
I need help dealing with the girl of my dreams
She's my best friend, has been since I w...
What is better...Art, drama or fashion designing?
I need help to see what is better art...
What music do you guys listen to?
i listen to freaking dubstep, electro house!! A littl...
If you can have anything in the world, what would it be?
I would want 2 things.
1. 1 ...
Have you ever moved away from a friend and you tried to call her but you called the wro...
How can I make my skin clearer?
Well, I'm going to my friends house next week, and I wa...
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (1)
I am the beginning of the end, ...
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (2)
I know a word of letters three....
can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (3)
Two in a corner,
1 in a room,...
How many time do you fight in the school?
I hate school fights because is humiliate, di...
What do you think is the best house?
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin?
Do you have a problem with love?
Ans this riddle
If a red house is made with red bricks and a grey house is made with gr...
Whats Everyone's Favorite Video Character?
Mine is Lara Croft because shes awesome! Wha...