Arts and Humanities
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Travel and Places
AVPM or Potter Puppet Pals? So I was wondering what would YOU rather the Harry Potter characters watch for my new story AVPM or Potter Puppet Pals?Also,what do you like better AVPM or Potter Puppet Pals?

AVPM or Potter Puppet Pals? So I was wondering what would YOU rather the Harry Potter c...

has anyone read divergent and insurgent/ i want to know because it dosent look like any...

Who is a Steven King fan???

hi, the other day my crush asked out my best friend, i need advice, i dont kno if i sho...

What can escape from a black hole?

What can escape from a black hole?

Who in this hell-hole of a world wish their mom would get off their case???? Just answer the question please...thank you :)

Who in this hell-hole of a world wish their mom would get off their case???? Just answe...

I need help dealing with the girl of my dreams She's my best friend, has been since I w...

What is better...Art, drama or fashion designing? I need help to see what is better art, drama or fashion designing?

What is better...Art, drama or fashion designing? I need help to see what is better art...

What music do you guys listen to? i listen to freaking dubstep, electro house!! A littl...

If you can have anything in the world, what would it be? I would want 2 things.  1. 1 billion $ 2. To get the new iPhones  Ever year 3 months before It comes out.

If you can have anything in the world, what would it be? I would want 2 things. 1. 1 ...

Have you ever moved away from a friend and you tried to call her but you called the wrong number? Ha! I did this once I was so embarrassed! Tell me if you have! You might get another follower :3

Have you ever moved away from a friend and you tried to call her but you called the wro...

How can I make my skin clearer? Well, I'm going to my friends house next week, and I want my skin to be clear because she lives in Wales. I have spots and not very clear skin. And I also want to loose some weight in that time, any suggestions?

How can I make my skin clearer? Well, I'm going to my friends house next week, and I wa...

can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (1) I am the beginning of the end, ...

can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (2) I know a word of letters three....

can you solve this riddle? ( read the discription ) (3) Two in a corner, 1 in a room,...

How many time do you fight in the school? I hate school fights because is humiliate, disgusting, and is not educational for nobody

How many time do you fight in the school? I hate school fights because is humiliate, di...

What do you think is the best house? Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin?

Do you have a problem with love?

Do you have a problem with love?

Ans this riddle If a red house is made with red bricks and a grey house is made with gr...

Whats Everyone's Favorite Video Character? Mine is Lara Croft because shes awesome! Whats yours?

Whats Everyone's Favorite Video Character? Mine is Lara Croft because shes awesome! Wha...