This is not a quiz. What do they whisper at the end of the Gravity Falls theme song? Pl...
Harry Potter, Twighlight, Narnia or Hunger games

what is your favororite color? plz chose what is your favorite color?

What is your favorite sport Any sport is fine.
What Do I do When My Crush Is Dating Someone Else?
What was your first reaction to..Creepy pasta? What was the first ever creepy pasta sto...
guys im goanna get a new puppy but i cant decide which one to get one is a chocolate la...
Please help! Ok so u may or may not remember or even noticed my question about what sho...
what are some good jokes? I really need something to laugh at.
Is it pretty to have stawberry blonde hair, green eyes, freckles, and pale skin? Everyo...

If you had a chance to meet any Anime character, who would you choose? please tell me t...
do yall think teen tains go is better than uncle granpa Is this true
is it ok to have a crush on a video game character help me guyz i have more of a big cr...

Why do tampon have the sharp points in them? At the end where it come out it has sharp ...
im 11 when will I get my first period Ive been having lots of discharge latley and lots...

Did anyone else realize this?! You can now change your vote on polls! Isn't that great?...
what do u think about justin bieber?

Why can't I put captions on my pictures? Recently, I haven't been able to add captions ...
Are there some cool users here? Okay this sounds stupid but oh well. Any cool users?