Why do tampon have the sharp points in them? At the end where it come out it has sharp points...Why?As shown in this picture I've drawn on I circled the place where it becomes sharp.Why does it have it like that?Is it safe?Does it hurt?
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Make sure the tampon is where it supposed to go and to make sure nothing can get on the tampon to irritate the vagina or cause infection.

on July 27, 2014
on July 27, 2014
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That is actually the applicator! You insert the applicator up until the lined part, and then push the bottom part up. The tampon comes out the top through the "spiky" part. It is like that instead of a hole so the tampon doesn't fall out of the applicator before it is inside your body. Then the tampon remains inside of you until you pull the string out. A tampon will never get lost inside of you, because the entrance from the vagina to the rest of the body is too small. When inserted See More correctly, you cannot feel a tampon at all!! This is why many people choose tampons over pads.
https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wiSyooX7--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18qgh8spqeei9jpg.jpg <- this is what a tampon looks like without an applicator. It is possible to insert a tampon without an applicator, but many people find that uncomfortable as you have to get much more "up close and personal" with yourself.
https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wiSyooX7--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18qgh8spqeei9jpg.jpg <- this is what a tampon looks like without an applicator. It is possible to insert a tampon without an applicator, but many people find that uncomfortable as you have to get much more "up close and personal" with yourself.
on August 06, 2016
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thats the plastic thing that it comes in
try pressing the plunger and see what the actual thing looks like
thats the plastic thing that it comes in
try pressing the plunger and see what the actual thing looks like
on November 14, 2015
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I've never seen a sharp tampon. Maybe you should by a different brand or something. And no, tampons shouldn't hurt if you're putting them in right. They might be uncomfurbol takin going out, but other than that, you shouldn't be able to feel them.
on July 28, 2014
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I would say but I never seen actampon I'm more of a pad person sorry:">
on July 27, 2014
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Can you do the private message thing I can answer your question there

I can't it doesn't let me
on July 26, 2014
on July 26, 2014