Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
What's your favorite band? What is your favorite band of all time!

What's your favorite band? What is your favorite band of all time!

I made a painting in Intro to Art today. is it any good? Not sure if its good I personally think it looks a bit crappy... well that's just me. Tell me what you think! :3

I made a painting in Intro to Art today. is it any good? Not sure if its good I persona...

Do you like dolls better or LEGO? I like both but I have to pick one! Please help me...

Do you like dolls better or LEGO? I like both but I have to pick one! Please help me...

has anyone been stressed about work/studies? well stress is one thing that makes us human and i've dealt with it before and i would like to hear your stories

has anyone been stressed about work/studies? well stress is one thing that makes us hum...

What are your fears? Just post them if one of them isn't "People to know my fears" :p

Should I still call her friend? My best friend at church started ignoring me ever since the pastor's son came. She started to hang out with the popular girls, and half of my friends left me (the half were girls). I know that they all have a crush on him, but seriously? I've always been loyal to all my friends, and kept all their little secrets. But should I still call my "Best Friend" as a friend?

Should I still call her friend? My best friend at church started ignoring me ever since...

What do you think Five Nights at Freddy's 3 is gonna be like? What plot do you think FNaF would be?

What do you think Five Nights at Freddy's 3 is gonna be like? What plot do you think FN...

Did you ever read a book and want to cry? I'm reading this book series that. Makes me w...

Do You Have any FNaF OCs? I have a lot... and I also have waay too much spare time on m...

whai is your top 5 favorite songs of 2014 (really think about it) i just want to know s...

Whats your New Years resolution?

What is your favorite anime? (2) i like fairy tail and full moon and twin spica

What is your favorite anime? (2) i like fairy tail and full moon and twin spica

whats the best anime show?

whats the best anime show?

Why North Korea and South Korea are enemies?

Who made the first Sonic WWFFY you did? Who's the autor of the first Sonic WWFFY you ever did on Qfeast?

Who made the first Sonic WWFFY you did? Who's the autor of the first Sonic WWFFY you ev...

What do you call a mix between a nerd and a geek? I need a better thing than to say i'm a nerdy geek!

What do you call a mix between a nerd and a geek? I need a better thing than to say i'm...

Do people usually follow you back? Sometimes people don't follow me back and I was wondering if that happens to anyone else.

Do people usually follow you back? Sometimes people don't follow me back and I was wond...

What is one thing you want out of life?

What are some good names for wolves? I need some good names for wolves cuz I'm writing ...

Why do people swear? I think its just admitting your too stupid to think of a creative way to express your feelings. I will never swear in my life!

Why do people swear? I think its just admitting your too stupid to think of a creative ...