I need help dealing with the girl of my dreams She's my best friend, has been since I was 12 years old, since the start of high school. I'm almost 16 now. For the longest time I thought she was like a sister to me, until almost a year ago, when I started to fall for her. At first I thought it was just a crush. But I had fallen hard. I am unsure what to do.. I can't get her out of my head. I keep on thinking I should ask her out but being transgender, she still thinks of me as being part girl. And she's straight. I think I might creep her out by trying to ask her out or worse, ruin our friendship. But sometimes I think she might have developed a small crush on me. Ever since I told her I was a boy she keeps on trying to hang out with me more than usual and taking excuses to be near me. It may just be because she feels closer to me, or I may be reading too much into it. I dunno. Should I ask her, or should I wait until either I move on or it becomes really obvious that she wants me? Tl/dr: Im trans, shes straight, doesnt think I'm a full boy, I want her. Help?
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wait until later bro. i know how you feel. im afraid that if my crush dwayne asks me out what happened to bmac99 will happen to me. wait until your both older and know how to handle things like that. that way, youll have more knowledge and know if she's the right one. She already dating someone? That's okay. Being friends is sometimes better than being in a serious relationship.

depends. if she has, maybe she'll feel uncomfortable about it. And if you ask her if she's ever dated someone she might feel hurt or embarrsed. i would
on June 18, 2013

Thanks :) We're both almost 16 haha and I've already been in a relationship so I have an idea of what I want. Unsure about her though, as shes never dated someone. Dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing
on June 18, 2013

plus if u need any more help turn to me. im 15 2 and i know how girls feel about this kinda stuff
on June 18, 2013
on June 18, 2013
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My best friend asked me out last year. We had been good friends in the 4-6 grade but became best friends in the 7th. I started having a small crush on him, but I didn't think he thought of me that way. Then he asked me out, (via text, but that's besides the point), and I said yes. We dated for 2 months... And it crashed an burned...bad. The reason for that was when I broke up with him, very nicely, saying we should go back to being friends, he sent me a text later that day and See More caused this HUGE fight. Within the cursing and exclamation points we were sending, he insulted my very best friend. I haven't had an actual conversation with him since. So, what can you take from this long, probably meaningless comment? If you do go out, be sure to end it in a way you can become friends again. Be best friends now, during the relationship, and after. Because if you loose her, you're going to miss her. How this helps,:) Good luck!

Like I said, stay true to your friendship. If I could go back and say no, honestly, I probably would. I know he misses me, and I miss him too, but I don't think I'm ready to let him back in my life. It would take alot of stress away from my life. Just remember what great friends you were, and don't let boyfriend/girlfriend trouble get in the way of that. See More Sounds like you have a good friendship, just be ready for that to change if you go out.
on June 18, 2013

Thanks Bmac. I'm sorry about that guy. She is my very best friend so I know she'd never mean to hurt me... I'm more scared for the fact that she may creep out a bit if she doesn't want to be with me. But honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without her, as her boyfriend or not. She means a lot to me... I just don't wanna risk losing her :(
on June 18, 2013
on June 18, 2013
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Tell her how you feel :x I'm a girl and we think that move is really sweet. Tell her you really like her but if she doesn't like you in that way that you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

Still, explain to her what it's like, I'm sure she'll understand. I mean an 11 year old understood
on June 18, 2013

Yeah but she's the type of girl who will creep out if a girl asks her out... and she thinks I'm part girl. :(
on June 18, 2013
on June 18, 2013
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I'm a girl and I know the signs of liking a boy. spending time with him, smiling around him, sometimes being moody because it sets the boy up with the possibility of caring for them or whatever, sometimes starring, and wanting to hang out. If you do ask her out then be prepared for whatever she says. most girls will say yes because they love the feeling of being wanted. make her feel special but don't put her on the spot. Good luck with whatever you do
on September 11, 2013