dose any on no wat happened 2 sonamy?! well do u? if u do pleeassee tell me! also if u have another way of contacting her tell she is highly missed here!
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i miss her very very very very very very very very very very, much!!!!!!

Same! :'(
on March 08, 2013

on March 02, 2013
on March 02, 2013
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I have no idea, but I miss her so much! She was always friendly and chatty and she gave me positive feedback on EVERYTHING- so she was a really good friend. Please, if anyone does get any info, let me know too! :(
on March 08, 2013
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I don't know, I wish I did. Do you think- maybe the haters drove her away. I mean its really unlikely because she wouldn't normally do that but it's possible. I don't think though so......

Maybe the haters before but I don't think that. I do too :( .
Theories (Some possible, others a big no -no, just on for the sake of it).
1. Haters
2. School life, homework
3. Internet connection lost See More
4. Something bad has happened in her life and has maybe not had time to come on
Theories (Some possible, others a big no -no, just on for the sake of it).
1. Haters
2. School life, homework
3. Internet connection lost See More
4. Something bad has happened in her life and has maybe not had time to come on
on March 03, 2013

1) who hates her?!! she sooooooo nice 2 every1!! 2) i would hope not! i dont think so...idk! i just want my buddy back!!!!!!!
on March 02, 2013
on March 02, 2013