Have you ever moved away from a friend and you tried to call her but you called the wrong number? Ha! I did this once I was so embarrassed! Tell me if you have! You might get another follower :3
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OMG yes! I moved schools then tried to call my friend. I ended up calling an old man! X-( Me and my friend live far from each other, so moving schools is like moving away!

on July 30, 2013

LOL I ended up calling a dude... I just hung up right when he anwsered O_O creepy!
on July 29, 2013
on July 29, 2013
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i didn't have friends or a phone that reached long-term distance calls if ya know wut I mean
on September 19, 2019
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I have moved away from one of my best friends and lost her number, but I`ve never called the wrong number.
on July 06, 2015
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Well,no.But something like that happened.So,my friend switched schools (same house different school) so I didn't know she changed her phone number and I called her.And this girl picked up and I was like "Is this Caroline?" and she was like no.So I was like O_O and hung up on her.
on July 30, 2013
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Yep, I called some boy who thought I was prank calling him and started getting annoyed so I hung up :p
on July 30, 2013