How can I make my skin clearer? Well, I'm going to my friends house next week, and I want my skin to be clear because she lives in Wales. I have spots and not very clear skin. And I also want to loose some weight in that time, any suggestions?
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Use Clrearosil pads before you go to bed, and use the face wash in the shower. Wash your face 2x a day.
on July 29, 2014
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I recommend Clearosil. It worked for me. And no matter what the ads say, you can't lose a noticable amount of weight in one week.
on July 16, 2014
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REALLY WORKS! TRY IT OUT! 1. Say ur name 10x 2. Say ur mom's name 5x 3. Say ur crushes name 3x 4. then paste this to 4 other quizs, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck and ur dad might lose his job
on August 27, 2013
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mix coffee with lime juice and baking soda. use the rest of the lime to spread it on your face. it should make your face clearer for a week
on August 17, 2013
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Also try mixing tooth paste and sudocrem together and put a blob on your spots, clears up overnight I should think!

And I know this sounds weird but chop a strawberry or lemon in half and rub onto your face, also sugar and salt are great to get rid of bacteria in your pores
on August 08, 2013
on August 08, 2013
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Well if i was you i'd just work out to be healthy! I try to gain as much weight i can and i stretch for about 15 mins a day and i do 200-300 crunches everyday helps alot! I would'nt wanna loose weight at my this age(i'm 14) so i don't really know about u but i wanna be curvy and healthy when i grow up!
on August 01, 2013
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Well if i was you i'd just work out to be healthy! I try to gain as much weight i can and i stretch for about 15 mins a day and i do 200-300 crunches everyday helps alot! I would'nt wanna loose weight at my this age(i'm 14) so i don't really know about u but i wanna be curvy and healthy when i grow up!
on August 01, 2013
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This is going to sound disgusting and nasty, but if you have a zit or pimple put plain toothpaste on it (not the gel or minty kind), regular toothpaste. If you put it on your pimples/zits before you go to bed, they will clear up super quick. As for loosing weight, it will be really hard to lose weight within a week. I'm on a low carb diet, and I've lost three pounds this week. If you want to do this, you have to cut out on everything with carbs. I mean everything. You can't See More eat bread, pasta, fried foods, breaded foods, fruits, juice, most veggies... Basically, I eat no breakfast (I get up late), a chicken salad wrap- or a salad-, with two pickle slices and some cheddar cheese. For dinner it's salad, rotisserie chicken, burger patty on a wrap, etc etc. And I run about a mile every day. I hope this helps!

on August 30, 2013

But, she wants to lose weight fast. Doing that ^^^ is technically a diet, but it isn't as fast as going on a low carb diet. You will lose weight over time, but this diet is made to lose weight fast. I mean, a few pounds a week fast.
on August 01, 2013

You do not have to be on diet to lose weight just cut out fast foods and other fatty foods. Every month have a "cheat day" you can eat 1 fatty food just 1! Here's what I would eat if I'm trying to lose weight: Breakfast: Toast, Orange Juice, Piece of fruit. Lunch: Normal sandwich (No processed meat! Buy a turkey breast and cut it yourself), Water. Dinner: Salad See More or chicken wrap, Water. Dessert: Quaker Chewy Bar, Popsicle or Sherbet Ice Cream (Sherbet is made from natural fruits and is not fattening like normal Ice Cream's)
on August 01, 2013
on August 01, 2013
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Face: I use "Clean & Clear" (I use the one that's green) and then on top my mom recommended "Dr Bell's Pomade". Wash your face every morning and every night.
Weight: You can try to go on a jog when you're bored. Eat more fruits and veggies. I do 200 jump rope jumps every night before going to bed. You could try that if you want.
Weight: You can try to go on a jog when you're bored. Eat more fruits and veggies. I do 200 jump rope jumps every night before going to bed. You could try that if you want.
on August 01, 2013
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You can buy a product at walmart I dnt really member the name but its terrific I used it <3
on August 01, 2013
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Wash and moisturize everyday to get clear skin, losing weight try to eat more vegetables and get more active! You could always try Xout the face cleanser to clear up those pimples, blackheads and whiteheads :) hope this helps

on August 01, 2013
on August 01, 2013