Arts and Humanities
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Travel and Places
whos your faverite death note character?

whos your faverite death note character?

Help Me See Description Sometimes When I Load A Page It Will Log Me Out! What Do I Do?!...

Whats better Hershey's or M&M's? hey guyz!!!!! I wanna know what you like better and it...

what does soul mate mean?? i heard soul mate in jwow and snoki its a american show

Whats the best music you have ever heard? Just want to know..

Whats the best music you have ever heard? Just want to know..

can u guys answer this question below? The question is 12 S in a Z . can u answer it. t...

Who is the best band or singer and what is their best song?

Who is the best band or singer and what is their best song?

i think i am in love how would i know i am in love with this girl i really love or i th...

what what would your do if your dog did this?

what what would your do if your dog did this?

I need captions please! What do you think this adorable puppy is saying?  The best one gets a prize of... a personalised question!

I need captions please! What do you think this adorable puppy is saying? The best one ...

Does Slendy have a gf????

I need some stuff to bring on a 4ish hour plane trip. I have a BUNCH of stuff im bringi...

My dog keeps opening the door with his mouth how do I make him stop EHe opens the door ...

Do you guys think that 10 questions on a quiz is enough? Because I have been making a q...

What do you guys think about the Percy Jackson series? Soo I'm almost done with the Per...

How's you favorite character or person of anything how you fave it can be a person of a movie, artist, etc

How's you favorite character or person of anything how you fave it can be a person of a...

dose any on no wat happened 2 sonamy?! well do u? if u do pleeassee tell me! also if u have another way of contacting her tell she is highly missed here!

dose any on no wat happened 2 sonamy?! well do u? if u do pleeassee tell me! also if u ...

Have you got your mum a mothers day present yet? Because it is on Sunday people!

Have you got your mum a mothers day present yet? Because it is on Sunday people!

What breed of dog would fit my family? We have a big house but a huge pool in my backyard so we need a dog who can swim.We also have 6 family members.Me,my sister,my 2 brothers,my mum and my dad.The type I really want is a boxer or Labrador/Dalmation mix but i'm not sure if they'll fit in with my family.I despretately want a dog but my parents won't let me have one until I pick our 'just right' breed.Can someone tell me a breed that will go well with us?

What breed of dog would fit my family? We have a big house but a huge pool in my backya...

Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall or Louis? So, I'm thinking of making a story. who should it be...