Why does everyone love Taylor Swift? Swifties, please put your "Tay-Tay" love aside for a moment...why does everybody love Taylor Swift? What are your reasosn for liking or disliking her? I myself do not see what all the hype is about.
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Because Taylor looks just like an old fashioned Barbie Doll, duh. Who doesn't love a good old Barbie Doll?
Lol. J.K. I'm actually scared of dolls... Don't judge! :p
Lol. J.K. I'm actually scared of dolls... Don't judge! :p
on November 16, 2015
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I can't stand her. A lot of people like her because she is a "successful young woman" and I've noticed a lot of people like music about love and breakups.
on November 15, 2015
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Maybe it's because she's pretty and her music is good. Personally, I think her songs are pretty good.
on February 20, 2017
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She sings really well and (I don't know why but) she looks very nice and happy all the time.
on November 15, 2015
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She's alright some of her songs are alright
I don't love her but dome of her songs I don't like for me its fifty fifty
I don't love her but dome of her songs I don't like for me its fifty fifty
on November 15, 2015