SmashPrincess asked a question

What is the worst thing to happen to you at school? What is something bad that has happ...
on February 20, 2018

SmashPrincess asked a question

How screwed do you think you'd be if your parents saw your entire internet history? I’m...
on November 05, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question
Does anybody ever make you feel like you're a big joke? Lately, I've been feeling like ...
on October 20, 2017

Peanut butter is just boneless peanuts.
on September 03, 2017

So this rant is about the school system. Our school system in America SUCKS!!!! Here's why. We learn a bunch of pointless crap we won't even use in day to day life. Now, I aspire to be an actress. So why would I need to know that mitochondria is the power house of the cell? Makes no sense, right? They're only teaching this crap for a frickin standardized test! And don't get me started on the dress code. I know that it's there to promote professionalism, but I feel there are more See More rules for girls than there are for boys. I'm not a feminist, but I think that's unfair to girls.
on August 31, 2017

So I was camping with some people, and I explained that I've learned that since I'm an introvert, I would drive myself to parties when I'm older. (So I can leave whenever I want) and then one person says "Oh, then become an extrovert." I'm sorry, but that's not how that works. You can't turn an introvert into an extrovert. And my cousin said that being an introvert meant "being antisocial" Also incorrect. I wish people would understand that being an introvert isn't a bad thing.
on August 31, 2017

I absolutely hate it when people borrow my stuff. I always feel like I have to. I say yes when they ask, but I just don't like sharing. Call me "rude," "selfish," or "spoiled brat," but I just don't like sharing just because someone else wants something of mine and I say no. I don't care if "Oh, well, I lent you a pencil in math class, so you should let me borrow your favorite earrings!" I usually lie when a classmate asks if I have a pencil he/she can borrow. I'm always afraid See More I'll never get it back. But my mom makes me share. Like "Oh, well she wants to borrow your clothes, so you NEED to let her!! You need to share! SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE!"
on August 23, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question

Who was the dumbest/ most annoying kid you had in your class when you were in school? S...
on August 22, 2017

I have a crush on like 2 different guys and I feel like such a slut...
on August 18, 2017

This rant will be a freak out rant. So... my house is bank owned property because the jokester that lived there a long time ago didn't pay his bills. Now, the bank wants to sell the house. So our house is a twin house... People want to buy it and live on OUR side and rent out the other. One time, this one asshole came in our house while we weren't home! Well, my older brother was home. Imagine them coming into the house when I'm home alone taking a shower? I'll call the cops on See More those damn asshats! IDGAF who you are, who you THINK YOU ARE, or what your intention is! You are INVADING MY PRIVACY and I WANT YOU OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people want to look at our house tomorrow, but my mom told them no because she'd be sleeping because she works night shift, and the bank didn't promise that they'd wouldn't come. So if they so much as step A FOOT on the yard, I am calling the COPS! I'm scared that they're gonna come in on me while I'm showering! This is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!! Excuse my language, but it's true. I can't wait to move...
on August 17, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question

What is the dumbest thing you did when you were little? Anything dumb that you believed...
on August 08, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question

What's something dumb that your school has banned? More specifically, anything that was...
on August 08, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question

What is the dumbest thing you got detention for? Was it for something someone else did ...
on August 07, 2017

So... This rant is about my room being treated like it's the playroom. I'm sick and tired of little kids coming into my room and making a mess as if they live there! My mom just encourages their behavior. It's MY room, not THEIR playroom. Even worse, I'm not allowed to kick the little bastards out! I'm sorry I don't like MY personal space invaded by your "adorable little miracles." I've even started getting rid of a lot of my toys because of this. So, who's with me? Any thoughts?

Wait whos the mother of the kids,tell her/him they are trashing your room and they will probably do something,if not hide all toys so they can't find (obiosly little kids are dumb) that should do the trick,and BTW,my fun is on my bed on YouTube to! Buddies!
See me on @Justi
See me on @Justi
on August 08, 2017
on August 06, 2017

SmashPrincess asked a question

Do you think school systems are just dumbing kids down? Is it just me, or are schools j...
on August 02, 2017