Who was the dumbest/ most annoying kid you had in your class when you were in school? Share your stories about any of your classmates so far that are almost unbelievably dumb or annoying. They can be past or present. And tell me why they were dumb or annoying.
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There’s this one girl, not gonna mention her name, cause I hate confrontation and I don’t want anyone from my school to find out. She really yanks my chain... To make matters worse, she’s running for student council President along with me! I DO NOT want her to win. This girl I saw annoying because she acts like she knows everything, she cries when she doesn’t get her way, she other people in trouble, even though they didn’t do a thing wrong, and she tries to be popular. I don’t See More wanna lose to her.
on October 17, 2017
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Isabelle, She keeped bulling everyone, but got upset if she was second to be choose in sport
on August 23, 2017