Life Rants
On this page, you can rant about anything that is on your mind! If you have any rants or opinions you want to be heard, then this page is 100% for you! So, get your sweatpants on, grab some ice cream or other stuff, and let's talk!
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So this rant is about the school system. Our school system in America SUCKS!!!! Here's why. We learn a bunch of pointless crap we won't even use in day to day life. Now, I aspire to be an actress. So why would I need to know that mitochondria is the power house of the cell? Makes no sense, right? They're only teaching this crap for a frickin standardized test! And don't get me started on the dress code. I know that it's there to promote professionalism, but I feel there are more See More rules for girls than there are for boys. I'm not a feminist, but I think that's unfair to girls.
on August 31, 2017

This rant will be a freak out rant. So... my house is bank owned property because the jokester that lived there a long time ago didn't pay his bills. Now, the bank wants to sell the house. So our house is a twin house... People want to buy it and live on OUR side and rent out the other. One time, this one asshole came in our house while we weren't home! Well, my older brother was home. Imagine them coming into the house when I'm home alone taking a shower? I'll call the cops on See More those damn asshats! IDGAF who you are, who you THINK YOU ARE, or what your intention is! You are INVADING MY PRIVACY and I WANT YOU OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people want to look at our house tomorrow, but my mom told them no because she'd be sleeping because she works night shift, and the bank didn't promise that they'd wouldn't come. So if they so much as step A FOOT on the yard, I am calling the COPS! I'm scared that they're gonna come in on me while I'm showering! This is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!!!! Excuse my language, but it's true. I can't wait to move...
on August 17, 2017

So... This rant is about my room being treated like it's the playroom. I'm sick and tired of little kids coming into my room and making a mess as if they live there! My mom just encourages their behavior. It's MY room, not THEIR playroom. Even worse, I'm not allowed to kick the little bastards out! I'm sorry I don't like MY personal space invaded by your "adorable little miracles." I've even started getting rid of a lot of my toys because of this. So, who's with me? Any thoughts?

Wait whos the mother of the kids,tell her/him they are trashing your room and they will probably do something,if not hide all toys so they can't find (obiosly little kids are dumb) that should do the trick,and BTW,my fun is on my bed on YouTube to! Buddies!
See me on @Justi
See me on @Justi
on August 08, 2017
on August 06, 2017

Another rant for those who care to listen... So this one is about obnoxiously loud children who scream their heads off in public places. So, I was with some peeps getting some ice cream at this place called Ala Mode in Ocean city. (They have good ice cream, you should go there!) There were these two ladies in front of us with 4 toddlers. When they entered, I thought, "Oh god..." they were screaming, putting their hands all over the glass display, and getting on my nerves. The See More one little girl kept saying, "MOMMY I WANT THIS CONE! MOMMY I WANT THIS CONE!!!" They kept changing their minds on what the hell they wanted. When my mom tried to pay, those little bastards were standing in her way and they wouldn't move. I was so close to punching them. Cause if you don't discipline your little "miracle" I gladly will! Now I definitely don't want children. If your kid can't behave in public, teach them!! It bugs me when little kids run around in public, screaming their lungs out and their parents are nowhere in sight. So, anyone want to add to this?
on June 27, 2017

Ok... so this rant is about me being pretty much treated like a babysitter. We went to Ocean City to see some friends and we went to the beach. I wanted to relax and maybe get a tan after hanging out in the water. But apparently my mom didn't like that idea. She was all like "Oh, you need to play in the water and watch the kids!" I calmly explained that I was tired and I just wanted to relax and shut my eyes. My mom got mad and said I was getting an attitude. My mom's friend told See More her to leave me alone. So, now to the rant. Just because I am a teenager does NOT mean that I will babysit your children while you do whatever. I would like my own space and to be allowed to have my OWN fun. Not have an entourage of kids following me everywhere. I do not want to be told to "go play" when I try to engage in intelligent conversation. Sorry I want to chat with people about interesting topics and not have to tell poop jokes to little ones. So please, DO NOT MAKE ME WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!
on June 20, 2017

Soooo... today's rant is about people opening sh*t at a store and then putting it back! It might be an accident, but still. It really grinds my gears. So what motivates me to rant about this is I was at ShopRite with my mom and I was buying a TV dinner. Awhile later, I realized the f*ucking thing was open! So then. I had to go AAAAAAALLLLLLLL the way back to the frozens section and get another TV dinner (It was a Kids Cuisine, I like them, don't judge me,) and then go back to See More the cart. It's one of those things that really gets under my skin
on June 05, 2017

So in gym class, some knuckleheadMcSpazatrons decided to be little buttholes and acted like animals. So now, our class needs to write APOLOGY LETTERS to the other class. You heard me. THE WHOLE CLASS!!!!! This is some serious BS!!! I'm NOT apologizing for something I didn't do! I am beyond PISSED right now. Anyone agree?!
on March 24, 2017

It annoys me so much when we have a bunch of people over and the kids go all hyperactive in MY room!!! And if I try to do something about it, nobody cares! Like, I'm nice enough to let you hang out in my room but you should at least act like a civilized human being. Just because my mom doesn't care doesn't mean I don't care. And then when I tell them to stop, they're like, "GEEZ! Lighten up, it's a party! Learn to have fun!" When I get a desk in my room, the chair will automatically See More become a toy. It's not fair how I have to deal with a bunch of sugar filled maniacs and I get yelled at if I speak my mind. Sorry for having my own voice!!!!!!!!!!
on February 28, 2017

I hate it when people are like "Oh, are you drawing comics? Can you draw ME in there?" Yes, I do draw comics. Or people say "Can I read your comic book?" I say no. I only show certain people my comics.
on January 24, 2017

It really yanks my chain when we're in gym class and me and my friend stand RIGHT NEXT TO 2nd base in 4 base kickball. We literally watch as runners zoom past us, and NOBODY passes us the frickin ball!!! I mean, we're RIGHT THERE!! I mean, I honestly don't care because I hate sports, but this is something that bothers me a little. Oh, and even though nobody passes my friend and me the ball, they yell at us for not doing anything. I also hate it when people treat gym class like See More it's the frickin OLYMPICS!!! Any thoughts?
on January 09, 2017

The only thing I would rant about is my Aunt
She always calls be stupid, useless, no good
It can get really horrifying
Like she just pushes your buttons until you actually wanna hit her
Like damn, oh here's a example !
We're having a great time !
So I tell her to turn up the music a bit, then guess what? See More
She turns the music off and yells at me because I can't do it myself
She makes me feel like I hurt her and not accept her and just hate her
I always ask her what I ever did
And all she could tell me was to shut up, I probably Made her life miserable when I was born
Like jfc the miserable witch
She always calls be stupid, useless, no good
It can get really horrifying
Like she just pushes your buttons until you actually wanna hit her
Like damn, oh here's a example !
We're having a great time !
So I tell her to turn up the music a bit, then guess what? See More
She turns the music off and yells at me because I can't do it myself
She makes me feel like I hurt her and not accept her and just hate her
I always ask her what I ever did
And all she could tell me was to shut up, I probably Made her life miserable when I was born
Like jfc the miserable witch
on December 29, 2016

i honestly dont have anything to rant about because people already ranted the same thing i was gonna rant :'>
on December 29, 2016

I hate it when people say stuff like "I'm the guest." When people say that stuff, they are basically implying that just because they don't live at this household, it means they can act however they want. This also implies that you have to treat them like royalty and be nice to them no matter how annoying they are. Anyone else agree?

IKR. If you're the guest, it means you don't own this house. If I'm kind enough to allow you to come over, you can't just act however you want. Have some respect for me and my property, and I'll do the same in your house.
on December 29, 2016

To an extent
Example, if they are your friend, then you should
If it's your best friend no need
If they are being nice and joking, then sure! Treat em nice!
Example, if they are your friend, then you should
If it's your best friend no need
If they are being nice and joking, then sure! Treat em nice!
on December 29, 2016
on December 29, 2016

Sleep sucks ass
Why do we need it?
Some asshat said, "Oh, lets make energy a thing. How to require it? Sleep."
Some of us cant sleep, dude
We close our eyes for what feels like 2 seconds and then it's FIVE in the morning and now its time to go school : )
I hate sleep and I wish it could see how much it sucks and it should go and die.
Why do we need it?
Some asshat said, "Oh, lets make energy a thing. How to require it? Sleep."
Some of us cant sleep, dude
We close our eyes for what feels like 2 seconds and then it's FIVE in the morning and now its time to go school : )
I hate sleep and I wish it could see how much it sucks and it should go and die.
on December 29, 2016

Okay so here's a thing.
I HATE how people are using stuff like gay, cancer, and fag to insult people. Being gay isn't something to use as an insult, and LGBT+ people shouldn't have to feel insecure or unwanted by ANYONE. Cancer is not an insult. It is a serious problem in our world that has taken many lives. Using it as an insult towards someone who likes a certain game, show, or movie should be extremely offensive to someone who's lost a loved one or friend to cancer. AND ALSO. See More I'M GONNA RANT ABOUT TELLING PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES. FIRST OFF, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM. THEY COULD ACTUALLY BE DEBATING SUICIDE AND THAT ONE COMMENT FROM YOU COULD END IT ALL. AND NOT ONLY THAT, YOU CAN BE FINED UP TO $250,000 FOR ENCOURAGING SUICIDE, SO DON'T DO THAT SHIT. Jesus people just don't be asshats it's that simple
I HATE how people are using stuff like gay, cancer, and fag to insult people. Being gay isn't something to use as an insult, and LGBT+ people shouldn't have to feel insecure or unwanted by ANYONE. Cancer is not an insult. It is a serious problem in our world that has taken many lives. Using it as an insult towards someone who likes a certain game, show, or movie should be extremely offensive to someone who's lost a loved one or friend to cancer. AND ALSO. See More I'M GONNA RANT ABOUT TELLING PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES. FIRST OFF, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THEM. THEY COULD ACTUALLY BE DEBATING SUICIDE AND THAT ONE COMMENT FROM YOU COULD END IT ALL. AND NOT ONLY THAT, YOU CAN BE FINED UP TO $250,000 FOR ENCOURAGING SUICIDE, SO DON'T DO THAT SHIT. Jesus people just don't be asshats it's that simple

I 100% agree with you. Gay means well, you know what, so I needn't explain it. Cancer is a serious disease that is life threatening, and using cancer as an insult is like insulting those with cancer.
on December 29, 2016
on December 29, 2016