Happy Birthday @nursefunfuncake Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

on June 22, 2014

Hello person! Y u got's not cookie-poos?

Very good! Now, what civil rights movement does u believe in person. Me believes in sponges!
on June 23, 2014
on June 22, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Sleepovah with Bobertino!
Me and Bobbie and FattyPatty all play with our footsies while we watch Bob of Sponge! We will watch Bob Sponge the movie once Bobbie's friend Bobertino comes. Bobertino is bringing flavored soaps! YUMMY YUMMY YUM!!!!! I can't wait to meet this Bobertino. FattyPatty said. Me too! Does he believe in sponge equal rights? Me questioned me's friend Bobbie. YEs he does! Bobbie said. Coolio! Me and FattyPatty said and waited for Bobertino. Den we heard da BONGY BONG! Of da door of da bell. We grabb...
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on April 28, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Da Sleepovah of Awesome-tastical-ness
All of our parents arrived so we told dem we wanted to have a sleepovah! My FattyPatty's parents said she could come which made me say YAY!!!!!!! My parents said I could come so we all threw confettis and cantaloupes and sponges to celebrate our victory. We den did our patented victory dance of victory of dance of victory of dance. Da sleepovah wuz gonna be at Bobbie's house. We went to Bobbie's house. Her parents said Bobbie's house would be da house for sleepovah. When we arrived we all wen...
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on April 26, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Back To Camp
Da ShinyTeethWoman told us it wuz time to leave da prison. Me and Bobbie and FattyPatty finished lecturing a prisoner and went back to da poo-poo bus. We sat in da back of da bus and threw cantaloupes at da people in front of us! When dey turned around we got mad at dem and used magical sponge powers to make dem smell like poopy! Bobbie and FattyPatty and me laffy laffed at dat and da peoplez who smelled bad wuz embarrassed. ShinyTeethWoman got mad so we made her smell like poo-poo too! Den w...
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on April 26, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Jail Goop Protest!
At da cafe me and Bobbie and FattyPAtty all sitty at a tabley-poo. Da seats on da tabley-poo are hardy hard so me's bottom hurty hurts. These seats are hard! Me complained. I hopey dey have good good lunchy-lunch. Bobbie said. Me does too. Do u think dere will be bananas? There bettah be or else, we must protest I wisely said very wisely and stuff. Dey brought out da lurnch on trays that were da color of poopy. Grossie! FattyPatty said. I want flavored soaps! Bobbie said. We lookied at da tr...
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on April 24, 2014

Anyone in need of me's EXPERT advice?

I think, you should hang out with different people too so you can prove to him that you can also get new friends and then maybe you'll start hanging out more again!
on May 31, 2014

I have a friend on the internet. Me and him are like almost best friends. When I am not at school, the only thing I can do is talk to him to do nothing. I have a lonely life. The other day he said to me "Why do you need so much attention. Why do you think that i have to talk to you in my free time." Now we are talking less and less. He is hanging out with new See More people and I have a feeling it is my fault. Is it my fault and what should I do? I also feel that I am forcing him to be my friend, but I am not.
on May 02, 2014
on April 23, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

They took us to.. JAIL?!?!
We den hafta getty offy-poo da bus that smells like poopy. ShinyTeethWoman leads da way inta a room dat smells even worse den da bus! GROSS! Me and my besties yell. Okay happy campers! Woman with SHINY teeth Get into groups of three to five and explore the jail, we meet at the visitors cafe in 2 hours, so I'll give each group a timer so you'll know when to meet us. Let's be in a group together! Bob said to me and FattyPatty! YAY! We will lecture the prisoners on bananas! FatyPatty said. I'm g...
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on April 22, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
On Da Bus to the Field trip
Okay little happy campers! ShinyTeethWoman saids to da peoplez. Time for a field trip! Field trip? Wat is da field trip FattyPatty said. We are going to da jail Bob said and den he threw his sponges at ShinyTeethWoman and den we force fed cantaloupe to da fattie kiddies. It wuz fun, and den we got on a gross poopie colored bus dat smelled like poopy. FattyPatty Bob and me all yelled and den we threw sponges at it and perfume dat we got from ShinyTeethWoman's purse. She got vewy vewy mad and d...
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on April 22, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Nap Time (Dun dun dun)
Our protesting sezzion iz now ovah! ShinyTeethWoman annoucez dat it iz time for da "naps"? I will never take a nap Bob said to ShinyTeethWoman I second the opinion of Bob! Me called out. Me also agrees with CS! FattyPatty said too cuz she iz me and Bob's bestie. We threw cantaloupe and sponges at The Woman of Shny Teeth and one hit her in da face! HAHAHA! We yelled and threw our sponges up in viktory. Unfortunately, we wuz cornered by eviiiiiiilllllllllle lurnch ladies who were mad at us for ...
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on April 22, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo plz read meh story called Nursefunfuncake and BobDaCool and MissFattyOattyPoo
on April 22, 2014

Will you check out me's story of stuff? It iz called Nursefunfuncake and BobDaCool and MIssFattyPattyPoo
on April 22, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

Free Time = Protesting Sponge Rights!
Okay happy campers! said da eeevvviillee ShinyTeethWoman It is free time! Bestie huddle! I called out to my besties. Bob and FattyPatty came over. Let us protest for rights of the sponge! I said to m fellow sponge believers/besties That iz a good idea! They said. We went to da area of da coloring sheets and da pencils and da crayons. COLOR WRITE COLOR WRITE! Then we glued sticks of da popsicles onto the paper and held up freshly made protest signs! Our sponges nodded in approval and used thei...
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on April 22, 2014

nursefunfuncake added a new chapter to NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo

The Sponge Bob Marathon!
All da weird peoplez and me and Bob and FattyPatty went into what we likey to cally da Doom Room cuz the walls are the color of poopy. There is a very vewry biggy Tele of the vision in the Doom Room! Me and my besties threw cantaloupe at the people who had the best seats and while they were distracted we stole their seats! Then we force fed them cantaloupe and we and da spongey sponges did the dance of the victory! ShinyTeethWoman stood up and asked what movie we wanted to watch. Using our su...
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on April 22, 2014

Thanks for following! You're my 170th follower!
on April 22, 2014