NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
We den hafta getty offy-poo da bus that smells like poopy. ShinyTeethWoman leads da way inta a room dat smells even worse den da bus! GROSS! Me and my besties yell. Okay happy campers! Woman with SHINY teeth Get into groups of three to five and explore the jail, we meet at the visitors cafe in 2 hours, so I'll give each group a timer so you'll know when to meet us. Let's be in a group together! Bob said to me and FattyPatty! YAY! We will lecture the prisoners on bananas! FatyPatty said. I'm going to lecture demon da importance of the name Bob! Bob said And I'll lecture them on sponges and we can throw canteloupe. We grabbed our timer from ShinyTeethWoman and threw cantaloupe at some fatties. Then we went to explore and lecture ungly prisoners on important stuff. First we came across some guy who looked dirty and smelled like poo poo. Hey dirty dude! Bob said. We is gonna give u a good big fun lecture u will like a lot! The poo poo man looked annoyed so we threw cantaloupe at him which he ate. That iz grossie. Sponges are people too! I yelled. BELIEVE in da importance of Bob! Bob said Bananas and bellybuttons! FattyPatty said and threw the prisoner bellybutton rhinestones. I think u should change ur name to Bob. Bob said. We lectured other prisoners and had fun fun! Then we went to da cafe and ate stuff! So far it waz cool. (There will be more in da chapter dat iz next!)