NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
At da cafe me and Bobbie and FattyPAtty all sitty at a tabley-poo. Da seats on da tabley-poo are hardy hard so me's bottom hurty hurts. These seats are hard! Me complained. I hopey dey have good good lunchy-lunch. Bobbie said. Me does too. Do u think dere will be bananas? There bettah be or else, we must protest I wisely said very wisely and stuff. Dey brought out da lurnch on trays that were da color of poopy. Grossie! FattyPatty said. I want flavored soaps! Bobbie said. We lookied at da trays and dey were filled with grey goop. DIS IS DIIIIIISSSSSSSSGUSTING! We yelled so all could hear. You know wha dis means. I said to mah besties. Dey nodded dere heads. OPPA PROTEST STYLE! We yelled and ran around da room. We threw cantaloupe and glitter and spongies and stuffz. One of da cantaloupes hit MissShinyTeeth right in her ShinyTeeth. Me and mah besties danced da dance of victory! Da snack ladies cowered in fear and we towered ovah dem. GIVE US GOOD STUFF!!!!!!! we yelled at dem. Da snack ladies gave Bobbie flavored soap. She ate her flavored soap and said yummy! Dey gave FattyPatty bananas. She said yummy too! Dey gave me yummy pudding with swirly colors and I said yummy too! Dis was a fun protesting field trip. Aftah snack we lectured more pirsoners and it waz fun.