Happy Birthday @MissFattyPattyPoo Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

Bobie's 1st Grade Diary
hallo peeoples. you've read the kindergarten diary and the summer diary... now its 1st grade time! yay! juice! flavored soap!
on September 01, 2014

on July 28, 2014

on May 21, 2014

on May 06, 2014

Hello fellow banana! The moldy bananas are trying to take down our rebellion! Us, the yellow bananas, shall fight back and defend our beliefs!
on May 03, 2014

on April 29, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list
Survival skills test
on April 29, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!

Back home
Hello say bobertino as we pul in2 dwibeway! Me says oi. CS say oink oink! And bobie say hehe. Like civilized ppl. Me heard weirdo fatso say sup dude. Me say sup dud. Duddy. Dud. Hehe. When me gets back into kitchen we make flavored soap. Oh what fun sighs cs. Me agrees. Den we chew on soap. It taste like grapey bubbley gummy.
Dis chap I'd over now becuz me Is tired so my goes to sleepy sleep! ♥♡★☆■□●○•°
♥♡★☆■□●○•° °•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■■□●●○○•°•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°•○●□■☆☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°... Read Full Chapter
Dis chap I'd over now becuz me Is tired so my goes to sleepy sleep! ♥♡★☆■□●○•°
♥♡★☆■□●○•° °•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■■□●●○○•°•○●□■☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°•○●□■☆☆★♡♥♡★☆■□●○•°... Read Full Chapter
on April 28, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!

Miss shiny teeth strikes again! (dun dun dun)
Help! Miss shiny teeth is coming to ski resort! Help! Me screams as me goes down mountain. Suddenly, bobie comes and bobertina approaches from behind. Me screams. Pay attention bobie! Behind you! Bobertina turns into shiny teeth and she grabs us and tossed me sponge an bobie in back seat of poopy poop Vanny van! She being us back to camp! Me screams and farty. Wa wa wa! Me wakes up. Fuuu! Me only in dreamy! Momy wakes me up for breakfast. Me dressy in jeans jeans and t shirt t shirt b ...
Read Full Chapter
on April 28, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!

Me skiing
Wuby buby Joe teach bobie and me 2 ski so we won't be caught in tree. Fun. Me kick Joe person in da grouch. He yowls and bobie farts. Me burps bannaa breath. Hehehe he me eeeevviillleeeee!
Den we walk to bunny hill. Me searches for bunnies. Bobie kicks oder ppl and me give them free bannaa pieces. Dey accept gratefully becuz me says dat oderwise they will have bad luk. Hehehe. We go down hill and make bunny noises wil we ski. (Bunnies go oink oink) we slam into fatties and watch their belli... Read Full Chapter
Den we walk to bunny hill. Me searches for bunnies. Bobie kicks oder ppl and me give them free bannaa pieces. Dey accept gratefully becuz me says dat oderwise they will have bad luk. Hehehe. We go down hill and make bunny noises wil we ski. (Bunnies go oink oink) we slam into fatties and watch their belli... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!
Off fly machine.
We gets off fly machine! Momy lead us to HERTZ car rent place place. But my warns Momy dat it not safe! I5 call HERTZ so we will get hurt! Me cry. Momy tell me not be a jerk. Beef jerkey. Hehe. CS and bobie and me climbs in da car. We go to our ski place. Me ask Momy if we will be able to go snorkeling. Momy say no. Den cs ask if we will be ballerinas. Bobie farts. Mommy give us yuck look and say. We go SKIING at ski resort!
So when me and cs and bobie and Momy and my teddy bear and our... Read Full Chapter
So when me and cs and bobie and Momy and my teddy bear and our... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!
Da open window+orange juice
Delis me thinks as lady comes and ask me what me wanna drink. Me say 100% orange juice, with 100 calories per cup. She give me ugly look so I hi five her in face. Aka slap. Bobie has chosen sprite. Me wonders why anybody would EVER WANT TO drink a LIVING thing! CS chooses water. Me thinks water is absolutely boring.
Den me feel cold. Me shudder. Shidder. Cold! Me has duck humps!
Aka goose bumps. Me is sure frosty will bite me! Frostbite! So lady come. Me tell her da window is open. She roll... Read Full Chapter
Den me feel cold. Me shudder. Shidder. Cold! Me has duck humps!
Aka goose bumps. Me is sure frosty will bite me! Frostbite! So lady come. Me tell her da window is open. She roll... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!
Airport food is good.
YAY. Momy brought cs bobie and me to airport . We check our baggies and Den we go thru da security . We do big machiney stuf! But cs belly go "ionk oink" which mean she hungry.
So we get appley slices. Den we take out cantaloupe and force fed bannas to dem. Funny fun. Den we aboard the fly thing.
Momy call it a plane whatever dat at is! Mommy say we gets seat 13b 13c and 13a and 14a! We choose seats and me chooses 14a Cuz we all know that 13 is a poopy number. Den miss attendant tell us bu... Read Full Chapter
So we get appley slices. Den we take out cantaloupe and force fed bannas to dem. Funny fun. Den we aboard the fly thing.
Momy call it a plane whatever dat at is! Mommy say we gets seat 13b 13c and 13a and 14a! We choose seats and me chooses 14a Cuz we all know that 13 is a poopy number. Den miss attendant tell us bu... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2014

MissFattyPattyPoo added a new chapter to FattyPatty, CS (nursefunfuncake,) and BobDaCool! Winter Break!

Yuck Spot! yay.
Me happy! We escape da wiggly belly teacheh! CS agree. But Bobie say dat teacheh not wigly but a muchy! Me shake mes head in wonder. Den
wen we get home home bobie feed us flavored soap! Mcyummy! So cs fed us cantaloupe.cantaloupe is a fruity fruit dat taste yumy in me toooooooomy! me give everybody der daily bellybuton rhinestone ane freeze dry bannaa swices. Lateh, mommy tell us we go on ski twip togethew! Wat foon! Me mak3 fawt noses and bobiefalls on foor. She make yuck spot. So we clean... Read Full Chapter
wen we get home home bobie feed us flavored soap! Mcyummy! So cs fed us cantaloupe.cantaloupe is a fruity fruit dat taste yumy in me toooooooomy! me give everybody der daily bellybuton rhinestone ane freeze dry bannaa swices. Lateh, mommy tell us we go on ski twip togethew! Wat foon! Me mak3 fawt noses and bobiefalls on foor. She make yuck spot. So we clean... Read Full Chapter
on April 26, 2014

on April 23, 2014