How well do you know me? (47) I, the honorable MissFattyPattyPoo! How well do YOU, mere earthling (sry), know ME??? MissFattyPattyPoo published on April 23, 2014 Stacked 1/5 What is my OTHER account? Parabolic Quartz_Mudkip Ravenclaw3243 Mockingjaydistrict I dont have one! 2/5 Which are my friends? Me no have ANY!!! nursefunfuncake and Quartz_Mudkip BobDaCool and nursefunfuncake 3/5 What are my fave colors? Hint: 2 choices Green! Banana color! IDK! 4/5 I am the one and only MissFattyPattyPoo! Do YOU agree? No!!! Course not! Dis weird question! So are you! YA! *Bows down to Queen FattyPatty* 5/5 I am obsessed over what? Clue: (PHOTO) Plural and no caps Type answer. Hint: 7 characters