NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
All of our parents arrived so we told dem we wanted to have a sleepovah! My FattyPatty's parents said she could come which made me say YAY!!!!!!! My parents said I could come so we all threw confettis and cantaloupes and sponges to celebrate our victory. We den did our patented victory dance of victory of dance of victory of dance. Da sleepovah wuz gonna be at Bobbie's house. We went to Bobbie's house. Her parents said Bobbie's house would be da house for sleepovah. When we arrived we all went upstairs to Bobbies room! I have a good big fun idea dat u will like a lot Bobbie said. Wah iz it FattyPatty asked? Yeah I wanna know too! I said. Okey-Dokey-Pokey-Mokey Bobbie said. I'm gonna call me's friendy friend Bobertino to come and play with uz! We all cheered. Bobbie got her phone and dialed Bobertino's numbah. Boop beep boop beep beep boop boop. Bobertino picked up. Hello Bobbie friend! Hey Bobertino! Why is u's calling me? Bobertino asked. Well, me is having a sleepovah with me's friends CS and FattyPatty. Dat is cool! Bobertino said. Do you wanna come play with uz? Bobbie asked. Yez! Me will come right away Bobbie! And I will bring flavored soaps. We all cheered cuz be love flavored soap. Bring your own sponge! We all yelled and said bye to Bobbie! (In da next chapter it will be awesome! Bobertino will come!)