NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
All da weird peoplez and me and Bob and FattyPatty went into what we likey to cally da Doom Room cuz the walls are the color of poopy. There is a very vewry biggy Tele of the vision in the Doom Room! Me and my besties threw cantaloupe at the people who had the best seats and while they were distracted we stole their seats! Then we force fed them cantaloupe and we and da spongey sponges did the dance of the victory! ShinyTeethWoman stood up and asked what movie we wanted to watch. Using our super duper pooper sponge powers we SCREAMED Sponge Bob Movie Marathon! The Woman of Shiny Teeth said no so we threw cantaloupe and sponges everywhere until the other kiddos were so scared they HAD to agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we jumped around the room doing the dance of victory again. We watched the movie marathon while ShinyTeethWoman cowered in da corner. We laughed at her and talked with our sponges!!!!!!!!!! Camp iz vewry vewry fuuuun! (Dere will be more awesomeness in da next chapter!)