NurseFunFunCake and BobDaCool and MissFattyPattyPoo
Hi! Me has a name and it is C.S. (That is short for cleaning supplies) All of da peoples and stuffs call me CS! Bob and FattyPatty are my besties forever!
Our protesting sezzion iz now ovah! ShinyTeethWoman annoucez dat it iz time for da "naps"? I will never take a nap Bob said to ShinyTeethWoman I second the opinion of Bob! Me called out. Me also agrees with CS! FattyPatty said too cuz she iz me and Bob's bestie. We threw cantaloupe and sponges at The Woman of Shny Teeth and one hit her in da face! HAHAHA! We yelled and threw our sponges up in viktory. Unfortunately, we wuz cornered by eviiiiiiilllllllllle lurnch ladies who were mad at us for rejecting their evviiiillllllllle disgusting sauce-less cheese-less pizza and attacking them with cantaloupe. What did they have against da B-E-A-UTIFUL fruit of cantaloupe? We wuz cornered and we had to lay down underneath blankets da color of poop. No not poop, the color of ALLIGATOR poop! Ew stinky-winky-binky-shminky-sinky-rinky-chinky poopy blankets smelled bad too. I scoochy scooched over to my besties. Let us rebel against the lurnch ladies! FattyPatty said! And the fat kidz! Bob said. And ShinyTeethWoman! I said. On da count of da number three we all jumped up, threw cantaloupe (Bob threw flavored soap which is yummy yummy in my tum-tum-tummy! And FattyPatty threw bananas and bellybutton rhinestones. They were vewry vewry sparkeltastical.) Using out sponge powers we threw glitter too! BAD NAPTIME! BAD BAD BAD! We shouted. The Woman Of Shiny Teeth made us leave the room so no more naptime for us! YAYSIES!