TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Seven - Nova?
"But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than warning"
Chapter Seven - Nova?
*Neil POV*
I sat there, my mouth wide open, and my eyes large at what I was seeing. Was Parker Faye really hugging Edwin? Was that actually Shawn Hunter and Parker Faye? Was I really at the same place as two of the members of Supernova, and were they really hugging Edwin? I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life than I was just then. Feeling something brush against my hand, I realized I still had Edwin... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Seven - Nova?
*Neil POV*
I sat there, my mouth wide open, and my eyes large at what I was seeing. Was Parker Faye really hugging Edwin? Was that actually Shawn Hunter and Parker Faye? Was I really at the same place as two of the members of Supernova, and were they really hugging Edwin? I don't think I've ever been more confused in my life than I was just then. Feeling something brush against my hand, I realized I still had Edwin... Read Full Chapter
on May 16, 2016

TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Six - Parker
"I'm no good for you"
Chapter Six - Parker
*Parker POV*
"This better be the right place," I grumbled, looking at the large building in front of me.
"Trust me, I checked like twenty times," Shawn said, walking forward, "I don't really want to go into a college guy's dorm either, but you've just gotta get over it."
"Fine," I sighed, "But, just for the record, I am only doing this for Nova."
"Yeah, well that's kind of obvious. She is the reason we're here," Shawn replied, motioning for me... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Six - Parker
*Parker POV*
"This better be the right place," I grumbled, looking at the large building in front of me.
"Trust me, I checked like twenty times," Shawn said, walking forward, "I don't really want to go into a college guy's dorm either, but you've just gotta get over it."
"Fine," I sighed, "But, just for the record, I am only doing this for Nova."
"Yeah, well that's kind of obvious. She is the reason we're here," Shawn replied, motioning for me... Read Full Chapter
on May 12, 2016

I just got done spending some well-earned time enjoying the view at the bluff near my house. Now, I'm getting back to work on the next chapter of Just One Mistake.
on May 12, 2016

"Be like the turtle. No matter what happens, hold your head high and keep on going. Even if you're alone."
on May 12, 2016

TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Five - What?
"I just want to throw my hands in the air and scream"
Chapter Five - What?
*Neil POV*
I ran towards David, holding him in an awkward embrace. "Hey David," I practically beamed when I saw the grass stained soccer ball he held in between his side and his arm. My smile was soon replaced by a confused stare when I saw her stumbling towards David. What was a deaf girl on crutches doing at a college soccer field? My confusion only deepened when she tapped David on the shoulder, using sign langua... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Five - What?
*Neil POV*
I ran towards David, holding him in an awkward embrace. "Hey David," I practically beamed when I saw the grass stained soccer ball he held in between his side and his arm. My smile was soon replaced by a confused stare when I saw her stumbling towards David. What was a deaf girl on crutches doing at a college soccer field? My confusion only deepened when she tapped David on the shoulder, using sign langua... Read Full Chapter
on May 11, 2016

A senior at our school got in a car wreck and died today. He was a great guy with an amazing personality, and he always tried to make people laugh. I'm not trying to get pity, as I didn't know him too well, but I would just really appreciate it if you prayed for his friends and family.
on May 11, 2016

TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Four - Celebrity
"We'll live like spoiled royalty"
Chapter Four - Celebrity
*David POV*
"Come on, she's a deaf teenage girl on crutches; what harm could she possibly do?" I yelled at the dean of students, my face red with anger.
"I'm sorry David, I can't allow you to bunk with a girl, much less a high schooler." How could he be so calm? I'm yelling at him, and he's calm as heck.
"She's my sister! What do you expect me to do to her?"
"You know the rules, David,"
"Fine," time for a new approach, "Have y... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Four - Celebrity
*David POV*
"Come on, she's a deaf teenage girl on crutches; what harm could she possibly do?" I yelled at the dean of students, my face red with anger.
"I'm sorry David, I can't allow you to bunk with a girl, much less a high schooler." How could he be so calm? I'm yelling at him, and he's calm as heck.
"She's my sister! What do you expect me to do to her?"
"You know the rules, David,"
"Fine," time for a new approach, "Have y... Read Full Chapter
on May 10, 2016

For everyone waiting for the next chapter of Just One Mistake (especially the ones that are obsessed, like @TwiliTwili), here's a excerpt from the upcoming chapter. Just to let you know, David is Nova/Edwin's older brother.
*David POV*
"Come on, she's a deaf teenage girl on crutches; what harm could she possibly do?" I yelled at the dean of students, my face red with anger.
"I'm sorry David, I can't allow you to bunk with a girl, much less a high schooler." How could he be See More so calm? I'm yelling at him, and he's calm as heck.
"She's my sister! What do you expect me to do to her?"
"You know the rules, David,"
"Fine," time for a new approach, "Have you ever heard of a band called Supernova?"
He perked up, raising an eyebrow in question. "Yes?"
I walked outside, motioning for Nova to follow me. She sighed, not moving a muscle. I walked over, handing her her crutches and helping her up. When I walked back inside of the office with my injured sister, I saw a confused look begin to form on Patrick's face.
"This, Patrick, is my sister, Nova." I smiled, and Nova only stared at the tile floor, "Now, Patrick, tell me this: what could an injured celebrity possibly do that's so bad in your eyes?"
*David POV*
"Come on, she's a deaf teenage girl on crutches; what harm could she possibly do?" I yelled at the dean of students, my face red with anger.
"I'm sorry David, I can't allow you to bunk with a girl, much less a high schooler." How could he be See More so calm? I'm yelling at him, and he's calm as heck.
"She's my sister! What do you expect me to do to her?"
"You know the rules, David,"
"Fine," time for a new approach, "Have you ever heard of a band called Supernova?"
He perked up, raising an eyebrow in question. "Yes?"
I walked outside, motioning for Nova to follow me. She sighed, not moving a muscle. I walked over, handing her her crutches and helping her up. When I walked back inside of the office with my injured sister, I saw a confused look begin to form on Patrick's face.
"This, Patrick, is my sister, Nova." I smiled, and Nova only stared at the tile floor, "Now, Patrick, tell me this: what could an injured celebrity possibly do that's so bad in your eyes?"
on May 10, 2016

It would mean so much to me if you guys/girls would give me some advice on how I could improve my story "Just One Mistake." If you don't really have any advice, a simple "This story is amazing," "Keep it up," or maybe even a "DIS SUCKS!" would work for me. This is my first attempt at writing Teen Fiction, and I really wish to improve my writing.
on May 09, 2016

TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Three - Pink
"You're the only one standing in your way."
Chapter Three - Pink
*Neil POV*
"Why pink?" Wait, what? What was pink? My shirt wasn't pink, was it? I looked down, the pink sharpie catching my eye. Oh.
"I figured girls like pink." I smiled as I held the notebook up to her. I could almost see a smile begin to form on her face when she frowned and looked down at a piece of paper on her desk.
As I sat there, staring at her as she read whatever was on her desk, I truly felt like a creep. I mean,... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Three - Pink
*Neil POV*
"Why pink?" Wait, what? What was pink? My shirt wasn't pink, was it? I looked down, the pink sharpie catching my eye. Oh.
"I figured girls like pink." I smiled as I held the notebook up to her. I could almost see a smile begin to form on her face when she frowned and looked down at a piece of paper on her desk.
As I sat there, staring at her as she read whatever was on her desk, I truly felt like a creep. I mean,... Read Full Chapter
on May 09, 2016

TurtleLover96 added a new chapter to Just One Mistake
Two - Nightmares
"I never let people in, and I have you to remind me why"
Chapter Two - Nightmares
My heart quickened as I stared into his dark eyes. There was a look on his face that terrified me. He looked angry. Really angry. I don't think I've ever seen Asher mad, not even once in the eight years I'd known him. I winced as his lips moved harshly, meaning he'd probably yelled at me. A frown crossed my face as I tried to read his lips. He took a step towards me, signing one simple word: "Run." And, at tha... Read Full Chapter
Chapter Two - Nightmares
My heart quickened as I stared into his dark eyes. There was a look on his face that terrified me. He looked angry. Really angry. I don't think I've ever seen Asher mad, not even once in the eight years I'd known him. I winced as his lips moved harshly, meaning he'd probably yelled at me. A frown crossed my face as I tried to read his lips. He took a step towards me, signing one simple word: "Run." And, at tha... Read Full Chapter
on May 05, 2016