Quotes By Yourself
Here we post quotes that we made, if you want you can add a story behind it. It doesn't have to be serious. For example, heres one I said while playing a video game with my cousin Luke a couple weeks ago when I went to Pennsylvania (we were playing Halo 3): "Never back down from a fight you can fight." -Soul March 2016 or "BACK AWAY FROM MY EGGROLLS!" When I was playing Roblox and someone was trying to kill me.
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“Someone go smash his head with a frying pan”

@NetherWorks good job
on November 28, 2018

Ok *tries to smack herself in the head but her 'pica' took ovwr and she ate the pan* (dont ask why i am talking in 3rd person because i cant answer that)
on November 26, 2018
on November 26, 2018

"Be like the turtle. No matter what happens, hold your head high and keep on going. Even if you're alone."
on May 12, 2016

"Sometimes the mind can wonder off into deep thought....though they may not always be the best, the worst even....it does not matter what one thinks in a simple second, or what they ponder over a day...worrying about a superstition....but what matters is what you believe in...To be a coward, or brave...? To be worth something...or worthless...? It is all merely perspective on the field of mirrors.... Like a ship lost at sea, the mind can have many adventures, but also stray into See More rough waters....though it will remain the same, and return to the dock it once came....for there is always a Better Tomorrow..."
I am dearly sorry if this made no sense, was offensive in anyway, or was simply incoherent trash...If it was any of those, you may speak of it if you wish....Thank you for reading thus far if you did...
I may also be writing this a tad bit later than usual....
I am dearly sorry if this made no sense, was offensive in anyway, or was simply incoherent trash...If it was any of those, you may speak of it if you wish....Thank you for reading thus far if you did...
I may also be writing this a tad bit later than usual....
on May 11, 2016

on May 11, 2016

Just because one story is over doesnt mean another cant begin. Ever story is but a chapter to something bigger
on May 11, 2016

"I'm a homestuck, sonic, warriors, creepypasta, and fnaf crazy obsesser over reality because Fandoms rule Reality drools"
on May 11, 2016

"Life can be like a book in many ways...it can only reveal the answer to today's life mysteries if you flip the page...and discover what may be next." -Ty.
on May 11, 2016

"Life is like a highway. It can be faced paced, scary, and wild. Or, it can be calm and smooth, and fun."
on April 28, 2016

"Like a 'River that flows in you'...life is fast, full of turbulence and rough waters...it can end abruptly in a lake...or be splintered into multiple different streams....it can have branches that sprout from other rivers adding to your own...and your own branches can touch those rivers of others....Like a 'River that flows in you'...life can be quite beautiful....worth the hardships...it can either erode you...making a wider river full of experiences...or nurture you as the See More river flows gently in a lengthy forest...." ~Ty
"Life is full of challenges, storms, rough waters, horrible times, but like the cycle of day...there is always a better tomorrow."~Ty
Sorry for my first paragraph...it may be incoherent trash....it may be offensive to some....it may may absolutely no sense...sorry.
"Life is full of challenges, storms, rough waters, horrible times, but like the cycle of day...there is always a better tomorrow."~Ty
Sorry for my first paragraph...it may be incoherent trash....it may be offensive to some....it may may absolutely no sense...sorry.
on April 05, 2016

"Like a flame, people's spirit, their souls burn bright....but like a flame, their spirit can run out of fuel...turning into ambers...then ash....but like a fire, you can add fuel to burn brighter than ever before...What will be your fuel?"~Ty
on April 02, 2016

"A friend will help and comfort you through your darkest times. A true and loyal friend will accompany you and make the journey too."
on March 28, 2016

"Life is like a game of chess, or any strategy game even. Everything you do is a move on the board, whether they're flashy, or get the job done in a blunt fashion. You trek through life often with the goal of winning, but who do we play against...and why?"~Ty
I'm sorry if this is an incoherent load of trash....I may be up a little too late....I'll go to bed after this post....anyways...If you are offended by this post in anyway, I can remove it... I must thank you for reading See More this far, and wish you a glorious rest of your day.
I'm sorry if this is an incoherent load of trash....I may be up a little too late....I'll go to bed after this post....anyways...If you are offended by this post in anyway, I can remove it... I must thank you for reading See More this far, and wish you a glorious rest of your day.
on March 28, 2016

"It's sometimes hard to think positive, to look for a better tomorrow, when all you can see or think about is everything negative about oneself, and the world around you....or you live in fear. But there is always a better tomorrow, we just have to be patient enough to keep looking and waiting for it." ~Ty
I'm sorry if this qoute was horrible, incoherent, or anything worse in that regard...I'm deeply sorry, and will take it down if anyone feels offended by it. I would like you See More to note one thing though, I am writing this at 12:18 am....I should get some sleep soon...
I'm sorry if this qoute was horrible, incoherent, or anything worse in that regard...I'm deeply sorry, and will take it down if anyone feels offended by it. I would like you See More to note one thing though, I am writing this at 12:18 am....I should get some sleep soon...
on March 27, 2016

"People always do bad things, even if its a good cause. And sometimes, people just have dead hearts. Some people just want to watch the world burn."
on March 27, 2016

Anyone can be a hero, but only you can make that choice.
on March 27, 2016

"You can't force yourself to be happy. You can force yourself to look happy or seem happy or act happy, but you can never truly force yourself to BE happy. Happiness comes on it's own, even if some of it's ways are strange."
on March 27, 2016

"Well, I just ate Trump. My life is complete now."
on March 26, 2016

"From the warm, sunny morning to the cold, rainy nights, everything will be fine if you believe."
on March 26, 2016

Lets just say....Argio is hard XD
Lets just say....Argio is hard XD
on March 26, 2016

"Sometimes it only takes a select few words or a phrase to inflict devastation upon someone, whether intentional or not." ~Ty
"I suppose people can be like birds sometimes, they chirp their wonderful songs, and cheer you up on sad days. They are free to roam the Earth through flight, and are often curious. Though when the day becomes cold....they are forced south, not by choice. We are sad to see them leave....but they always return to signal the warmer days...to show you the See More better tomorrow." ~Ty
"I suppose people can be like birds sometimes, they chirp their wonderful songs, and cheer you up on sad days. They are free to roam the Earth through flight, and are often curious. Though when the day becomes cold....they are forced south, not by choice. We are sad to see them leave....but they always return to signal the warmer days...to show you the See More better tomorrow." ~Ty
on March 25, 2016