Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
I don't know how long Harry held me, or how we ended up on the couch, him still holding me. I don't know why I let him, either. I didn't know him, not really. He didn't know why I was crying, or who Jake was. He didn't know anything about me besides my name, address and favorite bands.
When I finally calmed down, Harry walked away. I assumed he was leaving me, who would want to hang out with a sobbing girl anyway? I didn't hear the door open though. All I heard was the sound of ic... Read Full Chapter
When I finally calmed down, Harry walked away. I assumed he was leaving me, who would want to hang out with a sobbing girl anyway? I didn't hear the door open though. All I heard was the sound of ic... Read Full Chapter
on March 19, 2013

I just added a new chapter to Invisible! Please check it out and recommend it to your friends. I want more feedback and readers.
on March 18, 2013

Only Project I'm Going to Like
My heart started racing at the sight of Lucas staring at me. How could I not notice the amazing body he had? He was fit. His tight tee shirt showed off his flat stomach and toned arms.
I realized I had been staring at him for a long period of time, so I turned my attention to my locker. I grabbed my books, and as I closed my locker, it revealed a person. A person with blonde hair, and blue eyes, and a breath taking smile. (AKA Lucas).
"Hi," he said casually.
"Hello," I tucked... Read Full Chapter
I realized I had been staring at him for a long period of time, so I turned my attention to my locker. I grabbed my books, and as I closed my locker, it revealed a person. A person with blonde hair, and blue eyes, and a breath taking smile. (AKA Lucas).
"Hi," he said casually.
"Hello," I tucked... Read Full Chapter
on March 18, 2013

:) heey!

o..ok! srry!lol! well not really, she was am version of xfactor but got voted off :( its just ur profile pic looks like her so... anway.. watts up?!
on March 19, 2013
on March 18, 2013

Once, again, Qfeast says my question is "too personal" blah blah blah. Read the description.
Okay, so that whole "too persona"thing put me in a bad mood. I was going to say Please follow me, but now just do it. Click the follow button. Right now. Move the mouse thingy to the follow button and click on it, it's not complicated. I follow back and all that good stuff. Thanks, blah blah blah. Okay, now its messing up my typing. I just hav have to get off this before I throw See More my laptop out the window. In conclusion, follow me, blah blah blah. Amen, adios, toodles, whatever, bye. (and yes the picture is of a stuffed dog, get over it) (what category is this question?!?!?!?....I'm having problems)(okay, the category is 'relationships'...I really need to stop.)
Okay, so that whole "too persona"thing put me in a bad mood. I was going to say Please follow me, but now just do it. Click the follow button. Right now. Move the mouse thingy to the follow button and click on it, it's not complicated. I follow back and all that good stuff. Thanks, blah blah blah. Okay, now its messing up my typing. I just hav have to get off this before I throw See More my laptop out the window. In conclusion, follow me, blah blah blah. Amen, adios, toodles, whatever, bye. (and yes the picture is of a stuffed dog, get over it) (what category is this question?!?!?!?....I'm having problems)(okay, the category is 'relationships'...I really need to stop.)
on March 18, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question

Read the desription please:) Who likes Ed Sheeran?? For some reason the website wouldn...
on March 18, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
My first reaction was to slam the door in his face. But he stuck his foot in so I couldn't.
"Laura, please," Jake begged. He looked like hell. His eyes were red, his hair was wet and shaggy, AND I saw a massive pimple coming on. Good, he deserved it.
"Leave," I ordered.
"Give me a chance to explain!" He took a step in my apartment, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Name one reason I should," I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
He sighed. "You're ri... Read Full Chapter
"Laura, please," Jake begged. He looked like hell. His eyes were red, his hair was wet and shaggy, AND I saw a massive pimple coming on. Good, he deserved it.
"Leave," I ordered.
"Give me a chance to explain!" He took a step in my apartment, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Name one reason I should," I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
He sighed. "You're ri... Read Full Chapter
on March 17, 2013

Added a new chapter to Invisible. I have almost 60 reads on it! Thanks so much:)
on March 17, 2013

Monday, Monday, Monday!
What's happening? I'm so tired. I'm just going to...
My sleep clouded brain finally registered the sound was an alarm clock.
I felt like crying. I really didn't want to go back to school. Would Teresa home-school me? Note to self: Ask Teresa about home-schooling. BEEP.
"Shut up," I grumbled as I hit the snooze.
Suddenly, a stream of light poured into my bedroom and I let out a small yell. I pulled the covers over my head to block it.
... Read Full Chapter
What's happening? I'm so tired. I'm just going to...
My sleep clouded brain finally registered the sound was an alarm clock.
I felt like crying. I really didn't want to go back to school. Would Teresa home-school me? Note to self: Ask Teresa about home-schooling. BEEP.
"Shut up," I grumbled as I hit the snooze.
Suddenly, a stream of light poured into my bedroom and I let out a small yell. I pulled the covers over my head to block it.
... Read Full Chapter
on March 17, 2013

Come check out my stories! Feel free to leave some feedback, I know my writing isn't perfect but with your help I can get there!
on March 17, 2013

I added a new chapter to Invisible yesterday! Check it out and if you like it, recommend it to your friends!
on March 15, 2013

on March 14, 2013

It was Sunday night, me, Teresa, and Thomas had just finished supper. We were just talking about random things. Sports, school, weather, you know, small talk.
Thomas checked his phone and groaned.
"What's the matter, honey?" Teresa asked.
"There's a problem with the banking, I have to go check it out," he gave Teresa an apologetic look.
"It's okay. I think I can hold down the fort," Teresa laid her hand on Thomas's.
Thomas leaned over and gave Teresa a kiss.
I felt a pa... Read Full Chapter
Thomas checked his phone and groaned.
"What's the matter, honey?" Teresa asked.
"There's a problem with the banking, I have to go check it out," he gave Teresa an apologetic look.
"It's okay. I think I can hold down the fort," Teresa laid her hand on Thomas's.
Thomas leaned over and gave Teresa a kiss.
I felt a pa... Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2013

Bmac99 asked a question
If guns don't kill people, but people kill people. The does that mean that toasters do...
on March 13, 2013

New Life
When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. My heart was racing when I finally realized where I was. At my sisters new home. My new home.
I checked the alarm clock beside my bed. It was 7 PM, I had slept for over six hours, but at least it was a Saturday, so it didn't matter. Jus then, Teresa opened the door.
"Good morning sunshine," she joked.
I rolled my eyes and sat up, untangling my hair with my fingers. "Hey."
"I see that the bed is comfortable," Teresa smiled. "So, w... Read Full Chapter
I checked the alarm clock beside my bed. It was 7 PM, I had slept for over six hours, but at least it was a Saturday, so it didn't matter. Jus then, Teresa opened the door.
"Good morning sunshine," she joked.
I rolled my eyes and sat up, untangling my hair with my fingers. "Hey."
"I see that the bed is comfortable," Teresa smiled. "So, w... Read Full Chapter
on March 08, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
After I gave Harry my address, I ran around my apartment like psychopath. I probably looked insane, throwing clothes and books into my closet, stuffing makeup and jewelry into drawers, flinging clean plates into cabinets, fixing my bed, and finally darting into the bathroom.
I almost screamed at the sight of myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, so were my cheeks. I could see the path my tears took down my face. I washed my face off with cool water and wished I had enough time to... Read Full Chapter
I almost screamed at the sight of myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, so were my cheeks. I could see the path my tears took down my face. I washed my face off with cool water and wished I had enough time to... Read Full Chapter
on March 04, 2013

Goodbyes and Hellos
I stared at my duffle bag on the couch. It had everything I was taking to Teresa's later. A couple pairs of pants, a couple shirts, some photos, my notebook and my sock monkey.
It was really happening. No more couch for a bed, no more frozen pizzas for dinner every night, no more sirens keeping me from sleeping. I grabbed my bag and walked into the living room where my mom and Teresa were whispering frantically to each other.
Teresa stopped and looked at me, holding Maria. "Are yo... Read Full Chapter
It was really happening. No more couch for a bed, no more frozen pizzas for dinner every night, no more sirens keeping me from sleeping. I grabbed my bag and walked into the living room where my mom and Teresa were whispering frantically to each other.
Teresa stopped and looked at me, holding Maria. "Are yo... Read Full Chapter
on March 03, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
Another Surprise
All I could think about through jouranlism was Harry.
His green eyes. His smile. His adorable curls. His everything.
It was one thing to see him on TV, but a whole different experience to see him in person. And I didn't just SEE him. I talked to him. I flirted with him. I drank coffee with him. I gave him my phone number...Oh my god. What if he calls me? Or texts me?
When I finally got to my apartment, I fell back on my bed, phone on my chest. It buzze... Read Full Chapter
His green eyes. His smile. His adorable curls. His everything.
It was one thing to see him on TV, but a whole different experience to see him in person. And I didn't just SEE him. I talked to him. I flirted with him. I drank coffee with him. I gave him my phone number...Oh my god. What if he calls me? Or texts me?
When I finally got to my apartment, I fell back on my bed, phone on my chest. It buzze... Read Full Chapter
on March 03, 2013

Bmac99 added a new chapter to How Did This Happen?
Yes, It Can Get Better
Here I was, sitting on a bean bag chair across from Harry Styles. No big deal or anything.
"So Laura, what do you do for a living?" He asked.
I attempted to slow my heart. "Um, I'm a student at the university."
"Oh, what do you want to go into?"
"Journalism. I want to write for magazines," I sipped my coffee.
"That's great. When did you decide to become a journalist?"
I shrugged. "I've always been into writing, and my mom seems to... Read Full Chapter
"So Laura, what do you do for a living?" He asked.
I attempted to slow my heart. "Um, I'm a student at the university."
"Oh, what do you want to go into?"
"Journalism. I want to write for magazines," I sipped my coffee.
"That's great. When did you decide to become a journalist?"
I shrugged. "I've always been into writing, and my mom seems to... Read Full Chapter
on March 01, 2013
What should I do?